In Case You Missed ItBowie State University in the News
MARYLANDINNO, November 15, 2021 Maryland HBCUs tout entrepreneurship, tech programs A business incubator located within a residence hall at Bowie State University is
one example cited by Dr. Aminta Breaux—one of three HBCU presidents who spoke to Baltimore
leaders Monday about entrepreneurship and innovation. Breaux said Bowie State teachers
emphasize adaptability, with students needing to be prepared for rapidly changing
career fields such as computer science, cybersecurity, and visual digital media arts.
WNCT, November 12, 2021 Elon professor among educators to write sourcebook to help adults reflect on race Julius Davis is one of three co-authors who runs the Center for Research and Mentoring
of Black Male Students and Teachers at Bowie State University in Maryland. The three
educators wrote this book to break stereotypes they believe exist whether people acknowledge
they exist or not.