Campus Closed Jan. 21 - Operations Virtual

Due to a power outage, Bowie State University’s campus will be closed on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. All classes and office operations will be virtual except for planned activities in the James and McKeldin Gymnasiums.

Protecting Our Community: Updates

Easy Identification a Key Element of Campus Safety

Managing access to non-public spaces is one aspect of campus security being addressed in the ongoing evaluation of safety enhancements. Identification requirements for contractors coming to do work on the campus is under review with plans for technology enhancement in spring 2024.

Current protocols for outside contractors require them to check in with the Facilities Management Office and be escorted to the campus location where work is to be done. Staff in campus offices should redirect any contractors who arrive unescorted back to Facilities Management. The only exceptions to this process are the in-house contractors for housekeeping (ABM), dining (Alladin) and HVAC (Johnson Controls) but they should all have identifiable uniforms.

Frontline staff in all university offices are the gatekeepers to ensure that non-university persons are properly identified before allowing them into office spaces. All members of the Bowie State campus community are encouraged to visibly wear your Bulldog ID card to be easily identifiable as a student, faculty or staff member when moving about the campus.

Reminder: Active Shooter Training for Students

In partnership with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), BSU Police will provide Active Shooter Attack Prevention and Preparedness training to students on Dec. 8, 2023, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. in the James E. Proctor (JEP) Building, Room 117. The two-hour session will allow individuals to learn and practice techniques, tools and tactics that may be used if they are ever in an active shooter incident. Because some of the subject matters covered during the training may cause strong feelings of anxiety, apprehension, uneasiness, etc., there will be calming areas and counselors available on site. Please take advantage of these services, as needed. Faculty and staff members are also welcome to attend this session if they missed the first training in November. 

These and other safety enhancements contribute to the university’s efforts to assure that all reasonable precautions are in place to minimize the risk of threats to the campus community, and to be prepared to respond when something does occur. It requires a team effort from every member of our Bulldog community. Together, we are Bowie Bold and Bulldog Strong!