Campus Closed Jan. 21 - Operations Virtual

Due to a power outage, Bowie State University’s campus will be closed on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. All classes and office operations will be virtual except for planned activities in the James and McKeldin Gymnasiums.

Protecting Our Community: Updates

Focus on Increasing Community Input for Decision-Making

As the university continues to review potential changes to campus safety and mental health resources, the need to expand the level of input from students, faculty and staff has become a priority. Participation in the weekly survey included in this message has not yielded a statistically representative level of participation. The data from last week’s survey is below.

To better assure that the voices of our campus community are well represented in the decision-making regarding safety and campus well-being, the leadership of the shared governance groups will be engaged to assist in creating a comprehensive survey to gain insight from their members. Through our shared governance process, leaders of the Faculty Senate, Staff Council, Student Government Association and Graduate Student Association are asked to evaluate the input of their members and advance recommendations to university leadership for consideration.

It is vitally important that ideas and concerns from our broad constituent groups are heard as BSU develops the framework to move forward with new measures to protect and enhance our sense of community. More information about a new feedback tool is forthcoming, but you can always reach out directly to your shared governance leaders.

Siren Testing on Wednesday

As a reminder, regular testing of the university emergency siren system will move to Wednesdays at 12 p.m. starting Nov. 8. The test will be preceded by a public address announcement that the siren will be tested. The siren will sound for 30 seconds and be followed by an announcement that the test is completed. Additional information about responding to the siren will be included in upcoming public safety training and community talks to be conducted by Campus Police.

Results From Last Week's Poll

charts showing poll results