Protecting Our Community: Updates

Preparing for a Safe Holiday Season

With the winter holiday break fast approaching, we express seasons greetings to the entire Bowie State University campus community. Enjoy the time away with family and friends and plan to return for an exciting spring 2024 semester.

For residential students who have permission to remain on campus during the break, we urge you to stay alert and be more vigilant and observant as you move about. To protect your safety, adhere to all the guidelines provided by Residence Life staff and observe the following tips from Campus Police:

Stay Alert to Stay Safe

  • Be aware of your surroundings at all times
  • Travel in pairs or groups after dark
  • If you want an escort to or from your residence hall or vehicle, call Campus Police to request at 301-860-4040
  • Avoid texting or looking down at your phone when walking
  • Always lock you room or apartment, even if leaving for a short time
  • Ensure that residence hall entrance doors are closed; do not prop doors open
  • If you see someone who looks suspicious, notify Campus Police immediately at 301-860-4040

Safety Training Sessions

Education and practice are critical elements in preparation for emergency situations. Students, faculty and staff who participated in the FBI training session on Dec. 8 took the first steps and learned how to respond in the event of an active shooter situation. The two-hour session allowed participants to practice the techniques, tools and tactics to protect themselves and others.

If you were unable to attend the session, FBI resources and videos are available at this link. Additional training opportunities and practice drills will be forthcoming in the spring 2024 semester as part of ongoing plans to implement additional strategies to protect our BSU community.

Happy Holidays!