II - 1.10 - Policy on Part-Time Tenure - Track and Part-Time Tenured Faculty

I. Policy and Purpose

In accordance with institutional needs, the University may appoint tenure-track and tenured faculty to part-time positions within the University. Offers of part-time appointment shall be made only by the President and shall be made pursuant to the process outlined in the University's Policy on Appointment, Rank, and Tenure of Faculty.

II. Applicability

A. Scope:  This policy will be implemented in conformity with the procedures for full-time positions with similar attributes.

B. Eligibility:  Part-time tenure-track or tenured faculty with a commitment of at least 50% time to the University.

C. Responsibility: The Departmental Search Committee, the Department Chair, the Dean of the School, and the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs are responsible for scrutinizing the part-time tenure-track or tenured faculty as they would a full-time tenure-track or tenured prospective faculty.

III. Guidelines and Standards

A. Appointment of part-time tenure-track and tenured faculty shall be made in accordance with the University's Policy on Appointment, Rank, and. Tenure of Faculty (ART).

B. The length of the probationary period, as described in the ART, for tenure consideration shall be based upon the number of full-time equivalent years accrued by the part-time faculty member in a tenure-track rank.

C. Part-time tenure-track and part-time tenured faculty members shall be entitled to participate in the University's benefit programs on a proportional basis or otherwise, as permitted by those programs.

IV. Results

A core of quality part-time tenure-track and part-time tenured faculty members eligible for full-time positions consistent with University policies.

V. Exceptions or Deviations


VI. Definitions



Effective Date:  12/22/1998