II - 8.00 - Policy on Faculty Retrenchment

I. Policy and Purpose

In fulfilling their educational roles and missions, the constituent institutions of the System of Maryland (USM) must make optimal use of their faculty resources.  Optimum utilization may call for a reduction in or a reallocation of faculty at various times and for various reasons, including but not limited to, shifting enrollment patterns, changing program directions and restricted funding.  If reassignment and/or reallocation is inadequate to effect such changes, an institution may find it necessary to terminate the appointment of tenure-track or tenured faculty.

The purpose of this policy is to set forth the policies and guidelines to be employed in the retrenchment of faculty, which will ensure the protection of the rights of the affected faculty.

II. Applicability

A. The Scope: This policy shall apply to all schools when demographic changes, or state-level programmatic and fiscal decisions, or no-growth periods occur for any department force the University to develop a variety of responses to be utilized in maintaining its institutional integrity.

B. Eligibility: Faculty and librarians will be affected by the University's implementation of its retrenchment procedures.

C. Responsibility

1. The President shall be advised by the appropriate Faculty Council Committee, the Department Chair, the School Dean, and the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, in keeping with the detailed process in the University's Retrenchment Guidelines and Procedures Document.2. The President bears institutional responsibility for determining whether retrenchment is needed in any program.

III. Guidelines and Standards

The guidelines and procedures adopted by Bowie State University for purposes of implementing its retrenchment policy were approved by the University System of Maryland in 1995 and are detailed in the Retrenchment Guidelines and Procedures Document attached to this policy statement and appended in the Faculty Handbook.

IV. Result

A system which enables the University to respond to demographic changes, shifting educational priorities, reduced funding and such like circumstances beyond the University's control, while, ensuring that the rights of tenure-track and tenured faculty are protected.

V. Exceptions and Deviations


VI. Definitions



Effective Date:  12/15/1999