III - 5.10 - Policy on Scheduling of Academic Assignments on Dates of Religious Observation

I. Purpose

To ensure that students are not penalized for participating in religious observances.

II. Policy

All academic programs and services of Bowie State University are available to all students who have been admitted to the University's programs, regardless of their religious beliefs.

III. Guidelines and Standards

A. Faculty shall ensure that students are not penalized for individual participation in religious observances.

B. Students should give advance written notice of an anticipated absence from class due to the observation of a religious holiday.

C. A faculty member may decide to avoid giving tests of assignments on religious holidays.

D. Students shall be given the opportunity to make up, whenever feasible, within a reasonable time, any academic assignment that is missed due to religious observances.

E. Students shall be allowed an opportunity to make up any examinations, other  written test, or class work, have access to any handouts or other material distributed in class, and have the opportunity to obtain or to review any duplicated lecture notes or slides presented in class.

F. The faculty member may determine that the work is to be made up by an alternative comparable assignment rather than by the original work of the class.

G. A make-up examination must be at a time and place feasible for both the instructor and student, cover only the material for which the student was originally responsible, and be given within a time limit that retains currency of the material.

H. The Provost and Vice-President of Student Affairs or their representatives will mediate disputes under this policy.


Effective Date:  02/07/2002 Revised Date:  06/11/2012