FY 2026 to FY 2029 Strategic Plan

Committee Leaders

Dr. Makeba T Green
Chair, Department of Social Work

Gayle Fink
Assistant Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness

The Strategic Planning Committee is dedicated to crafting a roadmap for the future. Through collaboration, the committee develops a comprehensive plan to advance the institution. By leveraging the collective expertise of the diverse community, the aim is to formulate actionable strategies addressing present challenges and capitalizing on growth opportunities. The aspiration is to shape an educational environment meeting future demands and fostering positive change, thus ensuring Bowie State's continued leadership in higher education. 

The Planning Timeline and Process 

In August of 2023, the planning process began with thorough research and has since moved forward with community engagement and feedback sessions. Working teams were formed to refine priorities and develop key components of the plan. Feedback from diverse stakeholders is being solicited to ensure inclusivity and relevance throughout the process. The strategic planning process will culminate in December 2024 with the finalization and adoption of the strategic plan, marking the start of the implementation phase. 

  • September – February 2024

    • Conduct a SWOT Analysis to assess strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. 
    • Develop a Value Proposition for the university. 
    • Perform Competitive Analysis to understand the landscape. 
  • March-May 2024

    • Solicit feedback from various stakeholder groups including students, staff, faculty, alumni, and other community members. 
    • Identify and refine key priorities based on community input. 
    • Establish working teams facilitated by steering committee members. 
  • June- August 2024

    • Working teams begin refining identified key priorities and developing strategic plan components. 
    • Working teams collaborate to develop strategic initiatives and action plans. 
    • Integration of community feedback into the plan. 
    • Drafting of the comprehensive strategic plan document. 
  • September - October 2024

    • Review the draft strategic plan internally. 
    • Revise and refine the plan based on feedback and further analysis. 
  • November - December 2024

    • Finalize the strategic plan based on revisions and feedback. 
    • Prepare the plan for presentation and dissemination. 
  • November - December 2024

    • Presentation of the finalized strategic plan to the university community. 
    • Official adoption of the strategic plan by Bowie State University. 
    • Implementation planning begins. 

Important Updates  

The Strategic Planning Committee will be presenting the second draft of the next Strategic Plan at the Faculty and Staff institute, August 20, 2024.  Please review the draft and provide feedback using the links below:

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Upcoming Events

Processing: https://www.bowiestate.edu/calendar/rss/feed.php?l=94

Committee and Workgroup Membership

  • Makeba Green, Co-Chair, Professor and Chair, Department of Social Work
  • Gayle Fink, Co-Chair, Assistant Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness
  • Jacqueline Cade, Director Institutional & Academic Programs
  • Yvette Caldwell, Associate Vice President, Office of Development
  • Darla Scott, Associate Professor, Department of Counseling
  • Jared Moffett, Director, Experiential Learning
  • Lawrence Webb, Assistant Director, Graduate Admissions
  • Jennifer Williams, Associate Director of Marketing & Communications