Campus Closed Jan. 7 due to Weather

Due to the inclement weather, Bowie State University’s campus will be closed on Tuesday, January 7, 2025, and all classes and office operations will be virtual. All campus activities are canceled. We will continue to monitor the weather and provide updates as needed. For any further information, please visit the university website.

President's Message - 2017 MD Charity Campaign

A Message from the President

October 13, 2017

2017 Maryland Charity Campaign

Pledge to Make a Difference!

Bowie State University’s 2017 Maryland Charity Campaign officially launches today, October 13, and is scheduled to end on Friday, December 15.

maryland charity campaign logoMany of you are familiar with the Maryland Charity Campaign and know that it is a workplace charitable-giving program that offers state employees the opportunity to contribute to more than 900 charities that provide local and national relief. I am pleased to remind our Bowie State University community that we exceeded our goal last year, and I am confident that we will continue to support the local, regional, and national charities that mean so much to each of us.

This year, the statewide goal for the Campaign is $3,000,000. Imagine how many children, students, and families will benefit from our combined efforts across the state of Maryland. BSU is a caring community with a concern for causes that span human services, education, and the environment. With that in mind, our goal this year is to raise $13,500 and to have at least 25 percent of the BSU community participate. I would like to extend a special thank you to this year’s faculty and staff co-chairs, Dr. Marian Rucker-Shamu, Interim Dean, Thurgood Marshall Library, and Mr. George Jones Jr., Staff Assistant, College of Education, as well as to all of our Department Champions – your service enables the entire BSU community to participate in the Campaign. Within the next week, you will receive your Maryland Charity Campaign pledge card from your Department Champion. We are committed to exceeding our Campaign goals again this year, so please take a moment to choose a charity and support a cause that is dear to you and your family. A gift of $1 per workday, totaling $260 per year, could provide a daily snack for an abused child in an after-school program or finance the raising and transplanting of 5,200 pollution-filtering oysters. Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a difference! Your pledge card has instructions on how to make contributions via cash, check, and credit card or through the convenience of payroll deduction. With payroll deduction, an amount is withheld from each paycheck, and your gift is collected in equal amounts over 26 pay periods. To contribute and/or for more information, please visit the Maryland Charity Campaign. It is strongly encouraged that contributions be made online. If there are any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. William Nathan, BSU’s Maryland Charity Campaign Coordinator, at 301-860-4300 or Thank you in advance for joining me in this year’s Maryland Charity Campaign!