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Practical Magic

By Car’lyle Lee

We practiced old words from old books,
That such old ways would bring back
Our Promethean Flame, yet we burned
For our endeavors and ridicule
As crazy lovers.

Like clueless children
Who played with wildfire, we dance
Drunk on summer’s end with flames
On our fingertips to a sacred rhythm
Of heart’s percussion that was alien
To both you and me.

Our words challenged Nature’s rules,
Distorted the laws of physics, and rewritten
The fundamentals of our reality that we
were the king and queen of Neverland.
Both entice in every hour
every minute that seemed to last eternally.

And when the last goodbye kiss is given,
And the royal bed is only room for one,
I will know that we have experienced
Something far beyond mortal understanding.

For if someone would ask “why you fell in love?”
I would simply say, “I fell in love with the magic
We have made.”


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