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Rewrite Your Fate

By Karey Ruchak


A faint whisper felt like screeching in his head

Hissed thoughts of the man in his bed 

What does this mean? Theres no sure answer.

But he rode his horse faintly while his thoughts banter. 

A girl’s feet cold on the cobblestone, 

She knows she is not alone,

Answering to the help she never cried,

A hero, a shiny metal knight,

She saw the shape of her hero coming in. 

A man handsome with thick hair and dark skin.

She reached out, he reached back…

But her hand falls through, her vision going black.

There was no knight, no man to save her… 

How could there be, no one knew her

The struggles and the desire

She kept it inside her

And it grew this fire 

Curse this damn land 

Where can she find a hero’s helping hand? 

Saphie got out of her ordinary bed, on to the modern wood floor.

She was home, not in her fairytale anymore. 

She bustled her way over to the computer and looked at her screen,

But the ache of loneliness made her nearly scream.

She stood up, she deserves a treat.

It’ll be the sixth one this week, 

She went to a coffee shop, 

A handsome man opened the door, her heart stopped.

He smiled, she smiled, and as she walked in, he walked out. 

Not to sound corny but… it made her internally pout. 

She felt her heart sink, all her books had accidental meets,

All her stories had corny lines and heroic feats. 

She in her almost three decades of life never felt this,

She in almost two decades desired nothing more than this.

Ordering herself a meal’s worth of calories in a cup,

She sat down to look out the window to fill her imagination up.

She typed away, trying to forget her loneliness, 

She shook her head for years of foolishness. 

She paused, rereading her last page. 

The knight, handsome with dark skin runs to the girl,

Being at the right place at the right time, his fingertips unfurl.

She grips his strong hand and he lifts her up on the horse with ungodly strength.

He leaps into the jaws of a monster, her monster; theres a moment of worry and angst. 

She sits there, waiting for him to come back. 

To kill her monster and emerge from the black.

Saphie looks, she holds her breath and highlights her whole page.

Delete, its time to do something with the loneliness rage

She types and taps so hard the computer was clacking away,

She can’t lose her train of thought, it was just too good this way.

The girl runs from the monster, she this time yells for help,

A man, the same man that was a knight, comes with a knife to skelp.

He has no armor, just a heart; he lunges in front of the girl to protect,

Her monster hissed and with a flick of the tail the man was swept,

The girl squirmed back, but that fire that was deep in her belly raged,

She vowed that fear will never keep her caged.

She stepped up, grabbed the man’s knife and jumped in the jaws,

Cut through the skin as she slid down to the belly, and there was a pause.

She did it, she crawled out with a smile. The man stood there, his face clear now. 

She walked up to him and hugged him. 

I always knew you were so strong,” the voice said proudly.

I know, dad,” she said back loudly. 

A sigh of relief came over Saphie as she reread the story now. 

The tension subsided, she let her head bow. 

The curse was broken, she freed herself,

She has no need to look for someone else.

But as natural as her freedom became, she looked up,

To see a man looking back at her. She held her chin up,

He was familiar, homey and warm. 

“I’ll be damned,” she muttered as she felt a desire-filled storm. 

Sometimes your hero is you,

 and only then will your real dreams come true.

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