Events Calendar

September 1 - September 30

  • Sep12021

    Late registration for the 1st eight week and regular 16-week sessions.

  • Sep12021
    Leonidas S. James Physical Education Complex

    The BSU Aquatics Facility will be hosting open swim for BSU alumni and seniors on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.

  • Sep12021
    Center for Natural Sciences, Mathematics & Nursing, 1221 & 1223

    Need help understanding your journey and planning through your dreams? Then this is the event for you! Come learn how to delve into your passions and plan for your best success.

  • Sep22021

    Late registration for the 1st eight week and regular 16-week sessions.

  • Sep22021
    Center for Natural Sciences, Mathematics & Nursing, Lobby

    The first official meeting for the new BowieMed club! Come a join us if you are a pre-health student or are on the fence about health professions and would like to learn more.Location: CNSMN 1220

  • Sep32021

    Late registration for the 1st eight week and regular 16-week sessions.

  • Sep62021

    In observance of the Labor Day holiday, no classes will be held.

  • Sep62021

    Late registration for the 1st eight week and regular 16-week sessions.

  • Sep72021

    Late registration for the 1st eight week and regular 16-week sessions.

  • Sep72021

    In this seminar, you will learn a number of strategies to manage your money better, so you will have the knowledge and confidence to pay your bills, save for a rainy day, and achieve any larger financial...

  • Sep82021

    Late registration for the 1st eight week and regular 16-week sessions.

  • Sep82021
    Leonidas S. James Physical Education Complex

    The BSU Aquatics Facility will be hosting open swim for BSU alumni and seniors on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.

  • Sep82021

    The program will provide an introduction to services and conversations with the counselors.Click here to join the Zoom meeting.

  • Sep92021

    Late registration for the 1st eight week and regular 16-week sessions.

  • Sep92021
    Center for Natural Sciences, Mathematics & Nursing, Beacon Room

    Join the Office of Multicultural Programs and Services for the inaugural International Students Welcome Reception. During the reception we will highlight student support resources coupled with opportunities...

  • Sep102021

    Last Day to Add/Drop Courses for the 1st eight week and regular 16-week sessions.

  • Sep122021

    Join us to preview part of the Muhammad Ali film and engage with panelists from Bowie State University. The film brings to life one of the best-known and most indelible figures of the 20th century,...

  • Sep132021
    Leonidas S. James Physical Education Complex

    The BSU Aquatics Facility will be hosting open swim for BSU alumni and seniors on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.

  • Sep132021

    BSU students and families are invited to attend the COVID-19 Information Session which will address student enrollment status after the September 30 vaccination compliance deadline.Join the meeting...

  • Sep142021
    Center for Natural Sciences, Mathematics & Nursing, Beacon Room

    The Maryland Department of Health will be conducting free COVID-19 Vaccinations.Schedule your appointment here.

  • Sep142021
    DoIT Computer Lab

    This hands-on interactive training will provide an overview of the basics of popular Microsoft Office tips and tricks such as using a focused inbox, dictating emails, sharing your calendar, adding...

  • Sep142021
    Entrepreneurship Innovation Center

    Do you have an idea or passion you are ready to take to the next level? Or do you just want to be in the room with entrepreneurs? Join us at our monthly open mic night where the 1st place prize winner...

  • Sep152021
    Leonidas S. James Physical Education Complex

    The BSU Aquatics Facility will be hosting open swim for BSU alumni and seniors on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.

  • Sep152021
    Leonidas S. James Physical Education Complex

    Join us for the live stream of the Fall 2021 Freshman Matriculation Convocation as we welcome and celebrate the class of 2025 and kick off the 2021-22 academic year. Keynote speaker for the event...

  • Sep152021
    Entrepreneurship Innovation Center

    Drop in for a tour of the new Entrepreneurship Innovation Center to meet the Entrepreneurship academy team and the Bowie BIC team and clients.  Light refreshments will be provided.

  • Sep152021

    This program will educate students on mental health.Click here to join the Zoom Meeting.  

  • Sep152021
    Student Center, Lawn

    An afternoon to meet and greet the clubs and organizations on BSU campus for the Fall 2021 semester. 

  • Sep152021
    Entrepreneurship Innovation Center

    Drop-in for a tour of the new Entrepreneurship Innovation Center to meet the Entrepreneurship academy team and the Bowie BIC team and clients.  Light refreshments will be provided.For more information,...

  • Sep152021
    Thurgood Marshall Library, Room 1128

    The Bowie State University (BSU) community is invited to learn more about the Military Resource Center (MRC) and its ability to assist veterans, active-duty military, dependents and rising Military...

  • Sep152021

    Comedy show for Vaccinated and approved exemption students only. Comedian Spank Horton and Desi Banks will be at Bowie State University for a comedy show.  Seats limited doors open at 7:30pm.  Must...

  • Sep162021
    Fine & Performing Arts Center, Recital Hall

    Please join us as we celebrate the next generation of Army Leaders! This ceremony marks the culmination point of a Cadet's journey through ROTC and the start of their career as a Commissioned Officer...

  • Sep162021
    Student Center, Wiseman Ballroom

    The Bowie State University Day of Empowerment (BSU DOE) is a kickoff event to a leadership program that is strictly committed to providing financial education to our students particularly in the...

  • Sep162021
    Entrepreneurship Innovation Center

    Join us for an introduction to lean startup methodology.  During this workshop, we will share details and tips for the Idea Poster Competition that will be held in each college.RSVP here.

  • Sep162021
    Student Center, Wiseman Ballroom A

    Welcome back and join Bowie Sisters United for the Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 semesters.  This year Bowie Women's Forum and S.A.S.S.I.E. will host the event.  Giveaways and light refreshments will...

  • Sep172021

    The HBCU-Data Science Consortium works in alignment with the South Big Data Innovation Hub program’s goals of promoting collaboration and supporting the cross-pollination of tools, data, and ideas...

  • Sep172021

    WHY THE CONSTITUTION MATTERS NOW, MORE THAN EVER!Please join the BSU History and Government Department, Pre-law, and Women’s Studies Minor Program as we recognize Constitution Day with a virtual...

  • Sep172021

    You're invited to Virtual Block for Constitution & Citizenship Day BINGO! This event covers 75 facts about the Constitution and Citizenship in a fun and interactive way on Zoom and participants will...

  • Sep172021

    You're invited to Virtual Block for Constitution & Citizenship Day BINGO! This event covers 75 facts about the Constitution and Citizenship in a fun and interactive way on Zoom and participants will...

  • Sep212021

    This session will describe the seven practices of highly effective teams, help you identify your strengths, areas of improvement, describe 10 common team problems, and identify ways to work effectively...

  • Sep212021

    Attend this program and learn about the many programs and services SBA offers to assist small businesses with start-up and business growth. This workshop will allow attendees to receive information...

  • Sep212021
    Student Center, Wiseman Ballroom B

    Please join the Office of Multicultural Programs and Services in partnership with Raices (Latino affinity student club) and Sigma Gamma Lambda charter sorority to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month...

  • Sep212021
    Entrepreneurship Innovation Center

    Ask questions and gain insight to learn the best practices and lessons in starting and growing a venture.R.S.V.P. here.

  • Sep212021
    Center for Natural Sciences, Mathematics & Nursing, Beacon Room

    Join us for a brief introduction to Civic engagement to find out why civic engagement is important and beneficial. Students will engage with peers to discuss their major and brainstorm about how...

  • Sep212021

    Attend this program and learn about the many programs and services the Small Business Administration offers to assist small businesses with start-up and business growth. This workshop will allow attendees...

  • Sep232021
    Entrepreneurship Innovation Center

    Join us for an introduction to lean startup methodology.  During this workshop, we will share details and tips for the Idea Poster Competition that will be held in each college.R.S.V.P. here.

  • Sep232021
    Entrepreneurship Innovation Center

    Join us for an introduction to lean startup methodology.  During this workshop, we will share details and tips for the Idea Poster Competition that will be held in each college.R.S.V.P. here.  

  • Sep242021

    Last day to withdraw with a grade of ‘W’ for the 1st eight-week session.

  • Sep242021
    James E. Proctor Jr Building, Rm 102

    Hear from the Vice President for Administration and Finance about important FY 2022 budget updates. Watch the live stream on YouTube

  • Sep252021
    Greek Plots

    The Brothers of Iota Phi Theta will be hosting a welcome back cookout at the Iota Plot to welcome back all new and existing students at Bowie State University.

  • Sep262021
    Student Center, Wiseman Ballroom

    The Campus Activities Board of Bowie State University is hosting the Homecoming Gospel Brunch. Please join us for gospel sounds, food, and fellowship. This is a free BSU student-only event. This event...

  • Sep272021
    Leonidas S. James Physical Education Complex

    Kick-off Homecoming 2021 Off the Chain Week with the football team!

  • Sep282021

    Whether you are asked to speak before a group, present a project, or sell a product or idea, speaking in front of others is critical to your career and to your individual and professional image. You...

  • Sep282021
    Student Center

    Students can register to vote! Delta Mu Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma will have a voter registration table in the ELLC BuildingEpsilon Sigma Chapter of Omega Psi Phi will have a voter registration table...

  • Sep282021

    Students will showcase their talent for a chance to be the opening act at the #OTC21 concert. This is a student-only event. Must show valid student ID and green badge to enter. This event has limited...

  • Sep292021
    Student Center

    Join BSU for the Hispanic Heritage Month Series- A Taste of Latin America Coffee. Enjoy free Latin America Coffee and help us celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15-October 15) hosted by...

  • Sep292021

    This is an informal event. Students can bring a lunch or chat with us. This is the time for students to ask questions about Handshake and the October 2021 targeted Career and Internship Fairs. 

  • Sep292021
    Leonidas S. James Physical Education Complex

    Campus Activities Board will have a contest of the campus DJs going head to head to showcase their talents along with performances from the students re-creating songs of their favorite artists. This...

  • Sep302021

    Join Bowie State University as we host the inaugural HBCU Entrepreneurship Conference, a forum for like-minded faculty, campus and community entrepreneur champions to share best practices, amplify...

  • Sep302021

    This course explores the role customer service plays in higher education and how the university can leverage excellent service strategies to support the enrollment, retention and graduation rates...

  • Sep302021

    Learn about the career resources available to you in the Career Resource Office in the College of Business, including internships, mentoring, help with resumes, interviewing, and other campus resources"...

  • Sep302021

    You are invited to the virtual reading of the play How Can I Say This So You Will Stay? It is a fantastical journey through the research of BSU's Dr. Jacquelyn Sweeney and Dr. Amy Damrow from Kent...

  • Sep302021
    Leonidas S. James Physical Education Complex

    Brought to you by the Campus Activities Board of Bowie State University's Student Government Association, this year's concert will feature a night full of live performances for BSU students to enjoy...