Events Calendar

October 1 - October 31

  • Oct12021

     The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the 2022-23 academic year is now available. The FAFSA is a form completed by current and prospective college students in the United States...

  • Oct12021

    Join Bowie State University as we host the inaugural HBCU Entrepreneurship Conference, a forum for like-minded faculty, campus and community entrepreneur champions to share best practices, amplify...

  • Oct22021
    Bulldog Stadium

    Celebrate Homecoming and cheer on the football team as they face Johnson C. Smith University.Tickets are available for advance purchase online or on-site at the James Physical Education Complex

  • Oct22021
    Leonidas S. James Physical Education Complex

    Campus Activities Board will host the OTC HC21 Finale! Students will enjoy live performances and music by the DJ Battle winner! We will also feature a special guest artist. Continue to stay tuned...

  • Oct52021
    Student Center

    The BSU Nutrition Lounge is sponsoring a Commit to Fit 5K Walk/Run. The walk will be around Loop Road. Toiletries will be accepted as donations for the Nutrition Lounge.  All are welcome.  The...

  • Oct52021

    Got an idea for a business or want to grow your business? Join virtually to meet our Maryland Small Business Development Center (SBDC) counselor, Mark Wells, as he provides FREE counseling assistance...

  • Oct52021

    Join the Office of Multicultural Programs and Services and the LGBTQIA Resource Center to have a conversation regarding National Coming Out Day over a lunch and learn. During the conversation we will...

  • Oct52021

    The Career Development Center at Bowie State University is the career resource campus-wide. Information about jobs, internships, career resources, Handshake, and many other career aids for BSU students...

  • Oct52021
    College of Business and Graduate Studies

    Professional recruiters from The Knot Worldwide will host a session about successful and winning interviews.

  • Oct62021

    Students will learn "How to Prepare for a Virtual Career Fair" through a presentation by Target.

  • Oct62021
    Entrepreneurship Innovation Center

    Join us for an introduction to lean startup methodology.  During this workshop, we will share details and tips for the Idea Poster Competition that will be held in each college.R.S.V.P. here.  

  • Oct62021
    Entrepreneurship Innovation Center

    Join us for an introduction to lean startup methodology.  During this workshop, we will share details and tips for the Idea Poster Competition that will be held in each college.R.S.V.P. here.

  • Oct72021
    Student Center, Wiseman Ballroom B/C

    The Office of Multicultural Programs & Services is proud to co-sponsor with Raices (Latino affinity student club) and Sigma Lambda Gamma Sorority, Inc. for the Annual Taste of Hispanic culture lunch...

  • Oct72021
    Student Center, Baltimore/Columbia Rooms

    Join us for a conversation with Mr. Tyrone Willis from the Uniformed Services University, who will tell us more about America's Medical School and military scholarships for medical and other health...

  • Oct82021

    Last day to apply for Fall (December) 2021 graduation.

  • Oct82021

    Last day to remove Spring 2021 semester incomplete grades for undergraduates Friday, October 8

  • Oct82021

    Join the Office of Multicultural Programs and Services and the LGBTQIA Resource Center to have an intentional conversation during LGBT History month regarding national coming out day. During the conversation,...

  • Oct82021
    Student Center, Wiseman Ballroom

    Money for Life is the inaugural event for the year 2021 Homefree CFA scholars.

  • Oct92021

    Graduate Comprehensive Exam

  • Oct92021
    Student Center, Wiseman Ballroom

    Money for life is the inaugural event for the year 2021 Homefree CFA scholars.

  • Oct122021
    Oak Creek Golf Club

    Hosted by the Bowie State University Department of Athletics, the 10th Annual Bulldog Golf Classic will be held on October 12 at the beautiful Oak Creek Golf Club. In this season of COVID-19, there...

  • Oct122021
    Entrepreneurship Innovation Center

    Got an idea for a business or want to grow your business? Join virtually to meet our Maryland Small Business Development Center (SBDC) counselor, Mark Wells, as he provides FREE counseling assistance...

  • Oct122021

    The Career Development Center is hosting four targeted Virtual Career and Internship Fairs for the fall '21 semester. This Fair will be targeted towards The College of Business.Career fairs are...

  • Oct122021

    Join us for this free, interactive writing “play”shop designed to introduce you to writing according to the MLA style guides. 

  • Oct122021
    Entrepreneurship Innovation Center

    Join us for an introduction to lean startup methodology.  During this workshop, we will share details and tips for the Idea Poster Competition that will be held in each college.R.S.V.P. here.  

  • Oct122021
    Entrepreneurship Innovation Center

    Join us for an introduction to lean startup methodology.  During this workshop, we will share details and tips for the Idea Poster Competition that will be held in each college.R.S.V.P. here.  

  • Oct122021
    Entrepreneurship Innovation Center

    Kevin Logan has a background in the Telecommunications Industry that spans more than 25 years. He has been part of various small business startups that include janitorial, computer and technology...

  • Oct122021

    Join us for a presentation regarding the procedures for applying for admission to Teacher Education program. The presentation includes the requirements for admissions as well as after acceptance into...

  • Oct122021
    Student Center, Wiseman Ballroom

    The Office of Multicultural Programs and Services, LGBTQIA Resource Center,  Office of Residence Life, and the Student Center are happy to host the Inaugural BSU Tunnel of Oppression.The Tunnel of Oppression is...

  • Oct132021
    Entrepreneurship Innovation Center

    Support our campus entrepreneurs as students, faculty, and staff share their businesses and services. To be a vendor, apply here by midnight on October 7 

  • Oct132021
    Student Center, Lawn

    Join the Vote HBCU team, SGA, Office of Student Life, and Division of Student Affairs for the Say It Louder Voter Registration Activation on campus. The Vote HBCU team are brining Hollywood-style...

  • Oct132021
    Entrepreneurship Innovation Center

    Support our campus entrepreneurs as students, faculty, and staff share their businesses and services. To be a vendor, apply here by midnight on October 7

  • Oct142021

    The training session on workplace incident reporting will discuss the importance and steps of reporting and provide an overview of accident investigation. Learn what information is needed for reporting,...

  • Oct142021

    The Career Development Center is hosting four targeted Virtual Career and Internship Fairs for the fall '21 semester. This Fair will be targeted towards Behavioral Sciences, Human Services, and...

  • Oct142021

    A “fun” shop exploring: General formatting reference pages citations for American Psychological Association (APA) style writing.Join the Zoom meeting here. Meeting ID: 438 197 6435 Passcode: 56130...

  • Oct152021

    2nd Annual Virtual Graduate School Forum provides an annual opportunity for representatives of various graduate schools of social work to share information about their program offerings with Bowie...

  • Oct182021

    Midterm evaluation for undergraduate students.

  • Oct182021
    Leonidas S. James Physical Education Complex

    Open Swim for Alumni and Seniors. The pool is available for swimming, lap swimming and walking.

  • Oct182021

    Join the Office of Multicultural Programs and Services and the LGBTQIA Resource Center to host an intentional conversation during LGBT History month on the importance of intersectionality with Dr....

  • Oct192021

    Midterm evaluation for undergraduate students.

  • Oct192021

    This session for supervisors will discuss the importance of conducting a Mid-Year PMP, the benefits of this crucial step and tips for completing it successfully.Speaker: Mary Harrison| Manager of...

  • Oct202021

    Midterm evaluation for undergraduate students.

  • Oct202021
    Leonidas S. James Physical Education Complex

    Open Swim for Alumni and Seniors. The pool is available for swimming, lap swimming and walking.

  • Oct202021

    Feeling Overwhelmed with Midterms? Join Counseling Services to learn how to manage test anxiety and tips to have a successful week! Join the Zoom meeting here. 

  • Oct212021

    Midterm evaluation for undergraduate students.

  • Oct222021

    Last day of the first eight-week session.

  • Oct222021

    Midterm evaluation for undergraduate students.

  • Oct232021

    Come explore the high-quality undergraduate programs at Bowie State University and map the next steps in your college search. Get details about admissions & financial aid, learn more about our innovative...

  • Oct252021

    The second eight week session begins.

  • Oct252021
    Leonidas S. James Physical Education Complex

    Open Swim for Alumni and Seniors. The pool is available for swimming, lap swimming and walking.

  • Oct252021

    The Career Development Center is hosting four targeted Virtual Career and Internship Fairs for the fall '21 semester. This Fair will be targeted towards Fine Arts, Visual and Digital Communications,...

  • Oct252021
    Leonidas S. James Physical Education Complex

    The Department of Athletics presents the 2021 Black & Gold game. Fans will get their first look at the 2021-22 Bulldogs and enjoy an evening of exciting Bulldogs men's and women's basketball fanfare.Special...

  • Oct262021

    Midterm grades are due for undergraduate students.

  • Oct262021

    This course explores the role customer service plays in higher education and how the university can leverage excellent service strategies to support the enrollment, retention and graduation rates...

  • Oct262021
    Student Center, Wiseman Ballroom

    Join the Interfaith Network for a Lunch & Learn. We will gather together to:-Learn how to respect different religions-Build relationships across differences-Engage in common action

  • Oct262021
    Entrepreneurship Innovation Center

    Got an idea for a business or want to grow your business? Join virtually to meet our Maryland Small Business Development Center (SBDC) counselor, Mark Wells, as he provides FREE counseling assistance...

  • Oct272021
    Leonidas S. James Physical Education Complex

    Open Swim for Alumni and Seniors. The pool is available for swimming, lap swimming and walking.

  • Oct272021

    BSU is hosting a series of virtual tea events to kick off its 2021 Maryland Charities Campaign. Grab your lunch and favorite teacup or coffee mug for a 45-minute BSU ChariTEA Event with games, local...

  • Oct272021
    Student Center, Columbia Room

    A representative from Mary Center will discuss different apects of sex sucsh as consemt, contraceptives, and STDs with students. Students will engage in various activites to help them retain information...

  • Oct272021

    The Career Development Center is hosting four targeted Virtual Career and Internship Fairs for the fall '21 semester. This Fair will be targeted towards History & Government, English, Sports Management,...

  • Oct272021

    BSU transfer students are invited to learn about resources and hear from other transfer students as they share their journey to Bowie State.Join via MS Teams  

  • Oct272021

    Safe Space training is an opportunity to learn about:LGBT+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and related communities) identitiesgendersexualityexamine prejudiceassumptionsprivilegeSafe space is...

  • Oct272021
    Fine and Performing Arts Center, Front Lawn

    BSU Theatre reads twelve short horror screenplays written by writers enrolled in VCDM 370: Screenwriting on the lawn outside of the Fine and Performing Arts Center.Hosted by: BSU's Department of Fine...

  • Oct272021
    Student Center, Wiseman Ballroom

    The Office of Greek Life and Entrepreneurial Learning Community PresentsThe Forum: A Discussion on Music, Social Media, and Tech. Come out and hear from successful young BSU Alumni, BSU students,...

  • Oct282021
    Student Center, Wiseman Ballroom A

    October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The Wellness Center is hosting a prominent self-defense instructor who will teach female students different self-defense techniques. Come and join us;...

  • Oct282021

    Join the Bowie State University Royal Court for the coronation of our 29th & 75th Mister and Miss Bowie State University, Najee Speaks-Farewell & Emani Reid. Doors will open at 7 PM, Join us in celebrating...

  • Oct282021
    McKeldin Gymnasium

    The Bowie State University Royal Court is inviting you to join them after coronation for their Sneaker Ball. Come in your best formal wear and sneakers! Green badges and masks are required. 

  • Oct282021

    Careers: The Human Dimension of CyberCyberspace can be used to facilitate good or enable malign influences. Ultimately, how it is used will not be determined by bots but by humans. The inception of...

  • Oct292021

    Last day to add/drop courses for the second eight-week session.

  • Oct302021
    Torch of Truth

    Come support Breast Cancer Awareness and The Office of Greek Life, The Student Service Advisory Board, and the BSU Chapter of Chi Eta Phi Nursing sorority Walk for the cause. Community Service hours...