Events Calendar

November 17

  • Nov172021

    Advisement week for undergraduate students.

  • Nov172021

    This session will review study abroad and other intercultural learning opportunities available to Bowie State University Students. Zoom link: 

  • Nov172021

    You're invited to participate in Live Jeopardy Game with prizes and BSU’s Top 10 Charities ListJoin the Zoom Meeting here.  ChariTEA Event Package GiveawayJames E. Proctor Building Lobby10 a.m....

  • Nov172021
    Student Center, Wiseman Ballroom

    Students are invited to attend this research fair to learn more about research funding and internship opportunities; while also receiving on-the-spot help searching for various opportunities. The...

  • Nov172021
    Entrepreneurship Innovation Center

    Support our campus entrepreneurs during as students, faculty, and staff display and market their businesses and services.Apply here if you are interested in being a vendor apply (applications open...

  • Nov172021
    Student Center

    All students are welcome to come together to celebrate their unique cultures through various games and fun-based events.

  • Nov172021
    James E. Proctor Jr Building, Rm 102

    The James E. Proctor Jr. Forum is an annual President's Signature Event. This event will consist of a panel discussion and the naming of the Scholarship in honor of James. E. Proctor Jr., concluding...