Celebrity Softball Game
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Join us for the first annual Bowie State University Softball, Celebrity softball Game at Bowie Baysox Stadium. Featuring a free softball clinic, celebrity/alumni softball game and live entertainment!
Free Youth Softball Clinic - 6 pm
Girls ages 6 - 12.
Register here
The Celebrity/Alumni Softball - 7 pm
Free admission for children under 12 wearing a sports jersey!
Purchase tickets for persons over 12 here
Hosted by: The Bowie State University Softball team is partnered with PG Parks and Recreation.
$ 20
Prince George's Stadium
4101 Crain Hwy
Bowie, MD, 20716
Ed Powell
Phone: (301) 860-3572
Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/163226503867