Oct 12 2021

Tunnel of Oppression: Diversity Experiential Learning

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

The Office of Multicultural Programs and Services, LGBTQIA Resource Center,  Office of Residence Life, and the Student Center are happy to host the Inaugural BSU Tunnel of Oppression.

The Tunnel of Oppression is an interactive event highlighting contemporary issues of oppression in our society. Tunnel of Oppression topics generally raises awareness about specific areas of oppression across identities and communities coupled with exploring opportunities for social change. This year's inaugural tunnel will focus on ableism, nationality, racism, sexual orientation, social class, sexual assault, police brutality, and white supremacy.

On the behalf of becoming a culturally aware global citizen and fostering a more inclusive BSU community and the world, we implore you to participate in this diversity, equity, and inclusion experiential learning at Bowie State University. Please complete the R.S.V.P. through Thursday, October 7 here 

If you have any questions or you would like to volunteer, please follow up via email to any Tunnel of Oppression Committee members: Tubman Hall Resident Director, Ms. Jaime Mercer at jmercer@bowiestate.edu or Towers Hall RA Jamesina Hanciles athancilesj0215@students.bowiestate.edu, or Dr. Keadrick Peters at kpeters@bowiestate.edu.



Student Center, Wiseman Ballroom
14000 Jericho Park Rd
Bowie, MD, 20715


Dr. Keadrick Peters
Email: kpeters@bowiestate.edu
Phone: 301-860-3919
Website: https://forms.office.com/r/sEMjYWBYfe