Not Another Essay! The Intersection of Technology, Creativity & Writing in InfoTech
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
BSU's department of Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies presents two Q&A sessions with Mike Graham, Deputy Inspector General of Investigations and a 2005 BSU Computer Technology graduate. Writing, critical thinking, and creativity are a core component of the professional world, including in computer science and technology fields.
Michael Graham has carved out a 15-year career in law enforcement, national security, and technology at the executive level using the writing, metacognition, and soft skills he developed during his university classes. Graham, who is the second in command of NASA investigations into waste, fraud, abuse, procurement, cybercrime, and misconduct, will share his experiences and insights, touching on writing's importance and how recent DE&I initiatives are impacting the racial and ethnic makeup of the field.
$ Free
Martin Luther King, Jr. Center
Room 224
Laura Jane Willoughby
Phone: 4105077129