Feb 8 2023

A&T 4: Reflecting on Student Activism

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

The Office of Multicultural Programs and Services will start Black History Month by intentionally hosting a shared conversation on The NC A&T Four student activism.

On Feb. 1, 1960, four NC A&T (HBCU) freshmen �" Ezell Blair Jr. (now Jibreel Khazan), Franklin McCain, Joseph McNeil and David Richmond �" walked to downtown Greensboro and sat at the whites-only lunch counter at the F.W. Woolworth store. Multiple sit-ins across America occurred after this, making what these men did so important because they were the first to do it.

During Black History Month we will intentionally reflect on the past and focus on current social injustices impacting Black and Indigenous peoples of the Americas (Native Americans) with an intersectionality lens. We will have a guest speaker from the American Indian Movement Director/BSU Security Officer Peter Landeros. Refreshments will be provided. Join us for this important and reflective shared conversation. 

If you can't join us in-person, please attend via the zoom link provided below.  





Student Center, Baltimore/Columbia Rooms
14000 Jericho Park Rd
Bowie, MD, 20715


Dr. Keadrick Peters
Email: kpeters@bowiestate.edu
Phone: 3018603916
Website: https://bowiestate.zoom.us/j/87654417308?pwd=UE1RcWJKMjhlRUhFV1Y4ejY4ZUcxQT09