Jun 6 2024

It Takes a Village: Starfish Bootcamp

10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Unlock the potential of Starfish as a dynamic tool for proactive retention and student success. Join us for an insightful session where you'll learn practical strategies to maximize the impact of Starfish in monitoring student progress, enhancing retention efforts, and fostering academic success. Gain step-by-step guidance on leveraging Starfish progress reports, tracking mechanisms, and tutoring referrals to create a supportive environment conducive to student achievement. Together, let's build a community dedicated to nurturing student growth and success at Bowie State University.



James E. Proctor Jr Building, Rm 345
14000 Jericho Park Rd
Bowie, MD, 20715


Eva Garin
Email: egarin@bowiestate.edu