Living LGBTQ+ in Color and Becoming an Ally
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
The Office of Multicultural Programs and Civic Engagement and the LGBTQIA Resource Center are happy to host a courageous conversation on the intersections of race, gender, and sexual orientation. In particular, participants will learn the difference between coming out and inviting in and how the social construction of race shapes people of color lived experience in the LGBT+ community.
Join us in-person or virtually!
Click HERE to join virtually.
Thurgood Marshall LGBTQIA Resource Center, RM 1115
14000 Jericho Park Road
Bowie, MD, 20715
Dr. Keadrick Peters
Phone: 301-860-3916
Website: http:// https://bowiestate.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEvde-rqT0tGtOp5lsZU0jkJ6IYlyRIA3yq