Oct 28 2024

Study Abroad: Barcelona SAE Information Session

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Are you interested in learning about study abroad? Specificallly in Barcelona, Spain? Meet two representatives from BSU's study abroad partner, Barcelona SAE.

Information will be provided on fall semester, spring semester, and academic year study abroad programs in Barcelona, Spain. Additionally, information will be provided about the HBCU Summer Consortium program. Learn about the study abroad process, application deadlins, eligibility requirements, scholarships, and more!

Faculty - interested in leading a faculty-led, study abroad program in Barcelona, Spain? Stop by to learn about Barcelona SAE's customized faculty-led programs.


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Student Center Theater
14000 Jericho Park Rd
Bowie, MD, 20715


Maura Frischmann

Phone: 301-860-5125


Study Abroad