Oct 10 2024

Overview of the New USM-AFSCME Collective Bargaining Agreement MOU

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Target Audience:  People Managers

This session will provide a concise overview of the recently negotiated collective bargaining agreement between the University System of Maryland (USM) and AFSCME, now applicable across five institutions. Attendees will learn about key changes that impact the management of unionized colleagues, including adjustments to probation rules, wages, leave policies, and disciplinary actions. The presentation will highlight areas where past practices need modification to comply with the new agreement. For those interested in a deeper dive, additional in-depth reviews can be arranged.

Speaker: Robert Enderle, Manager of Employee and Labor Relations


Click HERE to register 


$ Free





Robert Enderle
Email: renderle@bowiestate.edu
Phone: 3018603459