Campus Closed Jan. 21 - Operations Virtual

Due to a power outage, Bowie State University’s campus will be closed on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. All classes and office operations will be virtual except for planned activities in the James and McKeldin Gymnasiums.

Blackboard Learn (LMS)

BSU Online operates through a off-campus hosted service based on Blackboard 9.1.  Other services such as Blackboard Collaborate, SmarThinking and iCAN (Starfish) are offered through this platform so you need first to login to Blackboard. 

Log into Blackboard

Don't have an account?
Contact the Help Desk at 301.860.4357.

If You Need Help

First, check the list of known issues related to Blackboard. Follow the suggestions listed for your question.

  • FOR STUDENTS: If your problem is related to course content, such as an assignment or quiz, you must contact your instructor first. The Help Desk will not reset quizzes, change grades, delete discussion replies, etc.

If your problem is related to Blackboard, you must submit a ticket to Please be as detailed and descriptive as possible. Include screen captures or any error messages you receive. 

Frequently Asked Questions

When are course shells available?

New course shells are typically generated during the early registration period. Faculty have access at that time. Student enrollment is processed 1-2 weeks before the new semester starts. Courses typically are  not available for students until the semester starts; however, instructors may choose to make a course available before the first day of classes.

How long are courses available after the semester ends?

Blackboard will host our courses for one full academic year. For example, courses for Summer 2013 will be archived and deleted during Fall 2014. Faculty should always save their gradebooks as a matter of best practice at the end of each term as well as archive the course content. Upon request, the archived data will be provided to the instructor after its deletion, or restored briefly to the system.

How do I recover an old ANGEL course?

Academic Computing personnel has archival access to legacy ANGEL courses. A help desk ticket request ( is required to retrieve stored content into a Blackboard course template.  When requesting support, instructors should provide the following information:

  • Instructor Login (e.g., jdoe)
  • CourseID with Section Number and Term (e.g., ENGL102-181-Spring2012)
  • Whether the archive is for course materials only or for a gradebook

Once a ticket has been received, the Academic Computing administrator will set up a Blackboard template in which the course is visible. If the request is for a gradebook, the instructor will receive a PDF or CSV copy of the requested data. Allow up to 5 business days for this process to be completed.

NOTE: Only the instructor of record can request a previously archived ANGEL course shell. If the instructor of record is no longer employed at Bowie State University, then the department chair must request the ticket.

Will my ANGEL course transfer into Blackboard?

Yes! There is some minor clean up, but content will transfer into Blackboard.  We have observed some quirks with a few components such as missing answers for fill-in-the-blank questions and YouTube videos. Elluminate/Collaborate sessions do not transfer over automatically, but there is a workaround to recover your links to recorded sessions.

For technical support, such as account access or password resets, general questions about the migration or training, please submit a ticket to




  • Accordion 1 content (text and images) here

  • Accordion 2 content (text and images) here