Proposal Submission Process

Pre-Award Process at BSU

  1. Read the proposal guidelines carefully and provide a completed Notice of Intent email with all the required signatures to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs prior to working on  the proposal. This gives your Chair and Dean the opportunity to approve the proposal and  determine whether  the  project  will  support  the  University's  goals  and  objectives.  Also provide the funding agency's guidelines along with the Notice of Intent to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs before working on the proposal.
  2. Schedule a meeting with the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs to discuss the proposal deadline, funding agency, required budget/resources, applicable procedures and policies, timelines, and special needs at least 3 weeks  in advance of the agency deadline, preferably when you receive the RFP, RFA, or BAA.
  3. Identify all consultants/subcontractors and cost sharing or matching dollars (if applicable)  at least 2 weeks prior to the agency deadline.
  4. Gather other support: letters, bio-sketches, and/or resumes 2 weeks prior to the agency deadline.

Submit a complete proposal along with the Application and Proposal Cover Sheet to the  Office of Research and Sponsored Programs at least 5  business days before the agency  deadline for review.

  1. Allow 48 hours for the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs to review the proposal, and if needed, submit a copy of needed corrections to the Principal Investigator (PI). ORSP will approve the proposal and submit the proposal to the funding agency.

Proposal Application Checklist

This list should be used to ensure that all necessary documentation for the Proposal/Project application process is submitted to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs before the application deadline. No late documentation will be accepted (within 48 hours of the due date), and applications with missing supporting documentation will not be reviewed.

Please Note: Principal Investigators, administrative staff and other non-ORSP personnel are not authorized to submit proposals, accept grants, or execute contracts on behalf of the university. Please contact the ORSP with all correspondence regarding any grant, cooperative agreement, contract, or other sponsored project.