Budget Development Process Calendar
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Fiscal Year 2025-2027
August - September Timeline
- USM provides Bowie with specific budget instructions and information for submission of next year’s budget request (General Funds, Tuition Rate, Institutional Mandatories, etc.)
- Budget Office obtains preliminary enrollment numbers and credit hour mix from Institutional Research for development of the University’s budget request
- A preliminary upcoming fiscal year budget request is prepared in accordance with USM instructions, preliminary enrollment numbers, preliminary initiatives, and the current year base budget
- The preliminary upcoming fiscal year budget request is prepared for the State and entered into the Budget Application System (BAS)
November - December Timeline
- Draft Tuition, Mandatory Fees, Room and Board Rates are reviewed through shared governance process (SGA, GSA, & University Council)
- If applicable, adjustments are made to the preliminary upcoming fiscal year budget request based on information from USM
January - March Timeline
- Governor approves upcoming fiscal year budget request and forward to Department of Legislative Services (DLS)
- Receive several fiscal impact statements from USM regarding pending legislation that may have impact on higher education institutions in the State
- DLS prepares an assessment of BSU and submits questions/areas of concerns
- Conduct Mid-Year Expenditure Review with VPs and/or President – Re-allocation of one-time funds recommended, if appropriate, to align with strategic priorities
- If applicable, Budget Hearings with the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) are held. Testimony is prepared for President to defend upcoming fiscal year budget proposal
- If applicable, President testifies before the House/Senate subcommittees
- Tuition, Mandatory Fees, Room and Board rates are submitted to Board of Regents (BOR) for approval
- VPAF provides mid-year budget update to the campus community via Town Hall and/or Faculty/Staff Institute.
- Outlying Fiscal Year: President and Cabinet members establish University priorities for Outlying FY
- Cabinet finalizes enrollment numbers for development of University’s upcoming fiscal year working budget
- Budget Office prepares projected Working Revenue Budget based on headcount/credit hours and Governor’s allowance
- Outlying Fiscal Year: Departments begin developing initiatives for review based on instructions from their division/department heads (VP) for Outlying FY
April - July Timeline
- Outlying Fiscal Year: All departmental initiatives are due to their respective division/department heads (VP) for review by April 30
- Outlying Fiscal Year: All proposed initiatives are due to the Budget Office from division/department heads (VP)
- Outlying Fiscal Year: Cabinet reviews submissions to ensure initiatives are aligned with BSU’s Strategic Plan
- USM notifies the institutions if the proposed Tuition, Fees, Room and Board Rates are approved by BOR
- President and VPAF host a campus wide budget update open forum
- Budget Office begins the process of preparing the working budget for use in Workday.
- Budget Office re-allocates one-time reserve funds to divisions
- Budget Office informs the campus community that budgets are available in Workday.
- The Budget Office submits Bowie’s working budget information to USM
Revised: February 7, 2025