Events and Meetings
Mark Your Calendars!
All Staff Council members are a viable, visible and valuable part of this organization. To be a part of Staff Council means you have a voice at BSU because you help fulfill the mission and vision of our university. Join us at our monthly meetings and participate in our events. Your voice and presence makes a difference.
Staff Council Monthly Meetings
All meetings will be on the third (3rd) Thursday of the month, in the Dr. Esther Euraleen Simmons Special Collections Room, unless otherwise noted. Attendance is open to University designated BSU Staff Council Members Only. The meeting time is from 10:00 am until 11:30 am.
Compassionate Giving Events
The BSU Staff Council is dedicated to compassionate giving to our University in various forms. Aside from monetary gifts, other ways of giving back is through our time and talents. This concept has led to a new Staff Council initiative and sub-committee of the Executive board known as the ‘Compassionate Giving’ program. The primary goals are to enroll 25 employees to participate each year and to sponsor 2 community service/volunteer events per academic year. See below for opportunities: