October 29, 2020

Fruit Tree Planting Engages Student Volunteers & Beautifies Campus

MEDIA CONTACT: Damita Chambers, dchambers@bowiestate.edu, 301-832-2628 mobile

(BOWIE, Md.) – Volunteers representing Bowie State University students, faculty and staff planted about 25 apple and pears trees Thursday through an initiative to develop an orchard to provide fresh fruit options for students and combat the problem of hunger on campus and in the surrounding community.

The university's Climate Commitment Coordinating Committee (C4), comprised of students, faculty and staff,
 developed the tree planting initiative to create community service and educational opportunities for student volunteers on the care and benefits of fresh fruit trees. The initiative will also provide harvested fruit for students through campus dining services and the Nutrition Lounge, which is the campus food pantry. Thursday's tree planting event has already made a big impact on the student volunteers.

"I was excited to come to plant. This will be good for the environment," said Rosheen Simpson, a sophomore biology major. "We may not get fruits from it, but those who are coming up will be able to get fruits."

The vitafusion Fruit Tree Project, an eco-initiative between vitafusion Gummy Vitamins and The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation, has been planting fruit trees in areas around the world that need it the most since 2017 and is nearing their goal of planting 200,000 fruit trees by the end of 2020.


About Bowie State University
Bowie State University (BSU) is an important higher education access portal for qualified persons from diverse academic and socioeconomic backgrounds, seeking a high-quality and affordable public comprehensive university. The university places special emphasis on the science, technology, cybersecurity, teacher education, business, and nursing disciplines within the context of a liberal arts education. For more information about BSU, visit bowiestate.edu.

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