Parent & Family Resources

As parents and family members, you have the opportunity to play an integral role in your student's career development process. Your student will grow in many ways while at Bowie State University and some of the biggest decisions they will face relate to what they do with their time here and how they will prepare for what comes next. The Career Development Center is here to help your student with all aspects of career planning - from identifying skills, interests and values, and exploring majors and occupations, to gaining real-world experience via internships and preparing for graduate school or the world-of-work. Together we can work to support and advocate for our students.

Take some time to review the information on our website and encourage your student to take advantage of our services.

How do I Help My Student...

Choose a Major/Career Direction

Studies show that people are more successful and satisfied in jobs and career fields consistent with their skills, values, interests, and personality traits. Gathering information about these qualities is called self-assessment. We have many resources that can help students select a major that matches their self assessment.

Explore What They Can Do with their Major

The What Can I Do with this Major website provides typical career paths associated with majors, employers that hire people with degrees in the major, strategies job seekers can do to maximize their chances of being hired, and lists of websites that provide additional information.

Search for Jobs and Internships

The Career Development Center subscribes to four online internship databases that list local, regional, national and international internship opportunities in a variety of fields.

Prepare for Graduate School

The Career Development Center has resources that can help students identify programs that match their interests, prepare for entrance exams, and create admissions essays and personal statements. During the academic year, we offer practice exams, sponsor special workshops on the graduate school admission process, and bring a variety of schools to campus via our career fairs and information tables. View resources for graduate students