Department of Communications
Bowie State University is one of more than 200 universities across the country which host a chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA). The declared purpose of PRSSA, the national organization, is to cultivate a favorable and mutually advantageous relationship between students and professional public relations practitioners.
The student society aims to foster the following:
- Understanding of current theories and procedures of the profession
- Appreciation of the highest ethical ideals and principles
- Awareness of an appropriate professional attitude
- Appreciation of Associate Membership in PRSA and eventually accredited membership
The Bowie State PRSSA chapter provides students opportunities to gain practical and real-word experience in the field of public relations. They also learn and hone decision-making, planning, and leadership skills which are critical in today's society to be successful in the global marketplace.
2022 Chapter Officers/Advisor
- President: Kamauri Winder
- Vice President: Jayla Pittman
- Advisor: Dr. Rochelle R. Daniel, rdaniel@bowiestate.edu