‘Hatred’: Too Violent or Just A Game?

Video Game Review

By Christian Spencer

For years video games have been accused of corrupting our youths by promoting violence, which is causing a debate between the media and gamers.

According to GameSpot.com, violent games can cause aggression, but aggression and violence are not the same concept.

Aggression is akin to competitiveness or assertiveness contrast to violence which is an injurious physical force, action, treatment, etc. However, a new game called “Hatred” has concerned many people as an immediate threat to society. Is it too violent or just a game like all the rest?

“Hatred” is a new game created by Destructive Creations and is slated to be released on Microsoft Windows in early 2015 as stated on the official trailer. This PC exclusive game allows players to control an unknown gunman who wants to liberate the world from "human worms feeding on its corpus."

The entire setting of the game is in black and white, resembling the style of “Schindler's List,” as you gun down innocent bystanders until the resistance tries to stops your character. The gameplay is displayed in an isometric position as if gamers are viewing a massacre from a helicopter. Other than the main character's disdain for human life and excessive use of firearms, this game's story is yet to be explained, leaving some viewers stunned and appalled.

“Hatred” is not the only game that enables senseless acts of chaos on screen. Games like the “Grand Theft Auto” series have dealt with similar scrutiny since 2001. Both games are intended for mature audiences, and characters can go on a "genocidal crusade" if GTA players choose to be sidetracked from story missions.

The noticeable differences between these games are the likability from the characters and mission from the GTA games. In GTA IV, your primary goals are to seek reverence and or accomplish the American Dream in Liberty City (a fictional New York City) as an illegal Russian immigrant named Niko.

As you advance throughout the game, players will be introduced to funny characters and sad moments, engrossing gamers to continue further. “Hatred's” story is nonexistent and features a mentally disturbed character committing a hate crime against society.

In addition there is a game series called “Postal”, another isometric game lacking a narrative that was released only on PC back in 1997. The game is tasteless and unnecessary because in other games such as GTA you have the option to follow a relatable character's story or destroy at your leisure; this is in contrast to playing a mentally disturbed menace with which gamers do not want to associate.

However, the game itself is not the issue. As mention earlier, there are similar games such as “Postal” which is the exact game from 17 years ago.

It is a coincidence that critics can compare the happenings in “Hatred" with the recent string of public shooting, but real massacres should be about our failures on gun control and mental health policies and video games should be judged solely  for their entertainment value. 

"Hatred" is being removed from a popular digital application store, Steam, because of the controversy surrounding the concept.