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A Light in the Darkness

By Logan Forrest


In the darkest of nights, a flicker of light,

A whisper of possibility, a glimmer of might.

Hope, a beacon in the vast unknown,

A seed of resilience that's sown.

It blooms in the hearts of the weary,

Guiding them through the storm, never dreary.

It dances in the winds of change,

Embracing the new, never estranged.

Hope, a symphony of dreams untold,

A tapestry of colors, vibrant and bold.

It soars in the sky, limitless and free,

A reminder that all things can be.

So hold onto hope, let it lead the way,

Through the shadows, into the day.

For in its embrace, we find our strength,

A reminder that we can go to any length.

Hope, a promise of better days ahead,

An anthem of courage, never to be misled.

Let it fill your soul, let it ignite your fire,

For with hope by your side, you'll never tire.

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