Class Permission Request
NOTE: students may apply to the Department of Mathematics for consideration of the Remedial Math Waiver based on the following criteria (one of the following):
- The students have a score of at least 530 on the Math portion of the SAT
- The studenst have a score of at least 22 on the Math portion of ACT
- The studens have transferred to BSU at least one college level Math course (3 credits or more)
- The students have taken a course equivalent to Math099 (Intermediate Algebra) at a different college and passed with a grade C or higher
- The students have taken a college-level math course (not remedial) at a different college and passed with a non-transferrable grade D
- The students have taken Advancement Placement (AP) Calculus or Statistics in high school and achieved a non-creditable score of at least 1 out of 5 on the AP Exam.
- The student achieved an appropriate placement score on the Accuplacer math placement test. The test must be proctored and taken on campus. To schedule the placement test please email to testingservices@bowiestate.edu
Please email documentation for the above conditions to Jesseki Kelly at jokelly@bowiestate.edu. The final decision on granting of the Remedial Math Waiver is made by the Department of Mathematics.
Math Permission Number Request