Department of Mathematics
Applied & Computational Mathematics (M.S.)
Graduate Program Coordinator: Dr. Roman Sznajder - rsznajder@bowiestate.edu
The program of study leading to the Master of Science degree in applied and computational mathematics is designed to launch you into a career as a mathematical scientist, firmly prepared from the start to engage in the technical work of today's complex, computer-driven industries.
As a graduate of the program, you will emerge equipped with a strong foundation of advanced analytical skills, both in applied mathematics and in computer science. These advanced skills, for which there is a growing demand, will enable you to ascend to the technical career of your choice in industry, business, education, or government.
The curriculum of the program is oriented toward practical applications. The mathematics component of the curriculum consists of seven courses in applied mathematics, four of which are required, and three of which are electives. The computer science component of the curriculum consists of five courses, two of which are required, and three of which are electives.
In addition to the 36 credit hours of regular course work, the master's degree program requires each candidate to pass a comprehensive examination based upon the six required core courses.
For your convenience, the program offers a flexible schedule of evening classes, and a generous period of up to seven years to complete the course of study.
Download the Graduate Program Brochure (pdf)
Bowie State Alumni in Doctoral Programs
Army Cyber Institute at West Point United States Military Academy
- Dr. Galamo Monkam (Postdoctoral Research Fellow)
Florida Institute of Technology, Applied Mathematics
- Reemah Alhuzally (Ph.D. April of 2022)
Morgan State University, Department of Mathematics
- Paul Bikoi
- Mesfin Etefa (Ph.D., December of 2020)
- Galamo F. Monkam (Ph.D., September 2020)
- Papa Seck (Ph.D., March 2021)
UMBC, Department of Mathematics & Statistics
- Guy Djokam (PhD, November 2021)
- Malick Mbodj (PhD, 2014)
- Zainab N. Almutawa
Certificate in Applied and Computational Mathematics
The graduate Certificate in Applied and Computational Mathematics is awarded to students who successfully complete the six core courses, and who, in addition, pass the comprehensive examination at a satisfactory level.
Fall 2024 - Schedule of Graduate Classes in Applied and Computational Mathematics
MATH 500.101 -- Introduction to Applied Analysis
Class meets: Mon 5:00--7:30 pm
Location: CNSMN--3208
Instructor: Dr. Roman Sznajder
MATH 525.101 - Applied Differential Equations
Class meets: Thu 5:00--7:30 pm
Location: CNSMN--3227
Instructor: Dr. Mehran Mahdavi
MATH 541.101 - Numerical Analysis I
Class meets: Wed 5:00--7:30 pm
Location: CNSMN--3208
Instructor: Dr. Roman Sznajder
MATH 544.101 -- Applied Statistics
Class meets: Tue 5:00--7:30 pm
Location: CNSMN--3227
Instructor: Dr. Chaobin Liu
MATH 799.091 Comprehensive Examination
Class meets: Saturday, October 05, 2024
Location: Center for Business and Graduate Studies
Instructor: Staff
Graduate Program Coordinator
Dr. Roman Sznajder
Professor, Graduate Program Coordinator