
Housing Accommodations

The deadline to submit accommodated housing requests are as follows:

  • Fall semester: March 15
  • Summer semester: March 15
  • Spring semester: November 15

While late requests for accommodations may be submitted, such requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis, and it is less likely the university will be able to grant your request. Documentation on housing accommodations from a qualified professional is required and must indicate a clear connection between your disability and the need for accommodated housing. Please note that our ability to fulfill an approved  accommodated housing request is based on availability. Disability Support Services reserves the right to approve or deny a request.

Request Housing Accommodation

Emotional Support Animals 

An Emotional Support Animal (ESA) request is considered a housing accommodation since the animal is restricted to your dorm room. Documentation regarding emotional support animals from a qualified professional who has treated you for at least one year is required. The provider must show a clear link between your disability and the need for an ESA.  ESA requests are reevaluated annually and require updated documentation to support continuing the accommodation. Disability Support Services (DSS) reserves the right to approve or deny a request.  If your ESA accommodation is approved by DSS, the Office of Residence Life will be notified and additional requirements and agreements must be met.