Featured Couples

While walking across Bowie State’s campus in the fall of 1985, Eric met the love of his life, Lori. Their paths crossed a few times, but one day, as they were walking by each other again, Eric kissed her on the cheek. He didn’t know her, and she didn’t know him. To this day, Lori says, “I just let him kiss me on the cheek.” They ended up dating and have been together ever since then. They got married on July 23, 1988, and Eric exclaims, “She is the best thing that ever happened to me.”

Kayla Wright (‘20) & Michael Briscoe, Jr. ('18)
Kayla and Michael met in 2016 at Bowie State University, where they were both student-athletes — Kayla ran track and cross country, and Michael played basketball. Studying computer technology, they shared a passion for tech and earned their Bachelor of Science degrees — Michael in December 2018 and Kayla in May 2020 during COVID. They began dating in 2017, and on May 13, 2023, Michael proposed surrounded by loved ones. They tied the knot in a beautiful Mexico wedding on December 8, 2024.

Stephen Allen (‘05) & Nadine Allen ('04 & '14)
We met on the Bowie State University basketball court in 2003 during our undergraduate year. We got married two years later. We had our first child later that year, and now she will be attending Bowie State University in the fall of 2024. Our lives began at Bowie State University, our community, and our home away from home. We met, we fell in love, and got married all while at Bowie State University.

Jamal Berry (‘07) and Keisha Berry (‘07)
It was 2006 and we were at a club in downtown DC. A mutual friend, who also attended Bowie State University, introduced us. We exchanged numbers. I waited for his call. Weeks went by...nothing. Then one day, I was sitting on a bench on campus and he walked by. I immediately said, “So you’re just going to walk by and not speak?” He smiled because he obviously saw me sitting there. Until this day, he swears he called me and I never called him back or answered the phone. We’ll n
ever know the truth, but from that day we hung out from time to time on campus. Our first date was between classes at IHOP. I knew he was the one because, like a gentleman, he opened my straw for me. We kept in touch over the years and fast forward five years, we finally decided to give each other a serious shot. In 2013, he got on one knee and asked me to be his wife. Without hesitation, I said yes. Jamal is the head of my life, the love of my life, and the best thing that BSU gave me. We’ve been married almost seven years now and have four children. B-S-U, we love it! We love it! We love it!
Ashleigh Brew (‘11) & Jeremiah Brew (‘12)
Jeremiah and I met in the fall of 2007 in the Wiseman Student Center (may it always be remembered) playing pool with friends. Somehow, he convinced me to give him my phone number after our second encounter...but I didn’t use it for weeks! I had forgotten his name by then! LOL
We began really hanging out with each other after the winter break and were inseparable after that! We’ve shared countless memories on the campus of Bowie State that can never be erased. We both joined our organizations - Alpha Phi Alpha and Sigma Gamma Rho - in 2008. I served as the 08-09 Campus Activities Coordinator and Jeremiah helped us throw some awesome parties and events as a C.A.B. member.
We got married on December 7, 2013, the day after Jeremiah graduated from Navy boot camp. We currently reside in Jacksonville, FL.
Jeremiah and I love to play pool any chance we can get. He’s still trying to get good enough to beat me. :)
Darrell Brooks (‘79) & Sandra Brooks
In 1974, I was a freshman basketball player at Bowie State University. Being from New York, I wasn’t able to go home for the Thanksgiving holiday due to practice. Raymond Burke, a fellow teammate, overheard a conversation between me and another player from New York discussing going to McDonald’s for Thanksgiving. He called his mom and asked if he could bring a few of his teammates home for dinner and she immediately agreed!
Walking into his mom’s house I met a very cute young lady who happened to be his sister. We hit it off pretty well and continued a long distance friendship that developed into a relationship. Forty-four years later, we’ve been married for 36 years, have two children, five grandchildren and three great grands! I guess you could say I got more than Thanksgiving dinner that day.
Sampson Brown, Jr. (‘66) & Yvonne Brown, Ed.D (‘62)
We both entered Bowie State as freshmen in 1958. He had just returned from the Philippine Islands after serving in the Air Force and I was just out of high school. We met through friends and did not like each other very much. I was young and he was too forward and worldly.
After double dating a few times, we warmed to each other’s idiosyncrasies. It was a priority to complete our education and get teaching jobs. Eight years later, we were married while he taught middle school in Talbot County on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and I was teaching in Job Corps at a Jersey City, New Jersey site. This past December 2018 we celebrated 51 years of marriage! Thanks Bowie!
Harold “Kojak” Burris (‘81) & Pamela Burris (‘95)
Years after graduating from Bowie State University, I met Pamela Ambush at a Bowie State Alumni meeting in 1997. She is a graduate of Bowie State with a master’s degree from the Nursing School program. For our first date, we attended the Bowie State Alumni Gala and were married three years later.
David Camps (‘84) & Theresa Dyer-Camps (‘83)
We came to Bowie State University as freshmen in 1979. Everybody knew each other, but it wasn’t until we were both a part of the Pan Hellenic Council, when Theresa was the secretary, that I told her line sister I wanted to take her out to eat.
I took Theresa to Pondarosa for dinner because I had a coupon for two steaks. She was being cute and didn’t eat all of her food so I asked her if she was finished. When she said yes, I took my fork and ate the rest of her steak. That’s when she fell in love with me. LOL
We were college students and taking Theresa out to dinner was a sacrifice. Every now and then she reminds me that she knew back then that I was cheap. I asked her to marry me on March 27, 1984 and we have been together ever since. We now have three adult children and all of them are college graduates and productive citizens. Thank you Bowie State for bringing the two of us together! (Que 81 and AKA 82)
Robert Coles, Jr. (‘98) & Towanda Coles (‘97)
I was working the front desk at Haley Hall in 1995 and saw him walk in. He flashed a smile that captured my heart. I didn’t know his name but would forever remember his smile.
I later met him at RA training during the fall semester of 1995 and learned that his interests were similar to mine. We both were native Baltimoreans and learned that we attended high schools that were connected and had never met. He went to Poly and I went to Western.
We became best friends and enjoyed spending time with one another. We didn’t date at BSU because we were content on being just friends. While attending BSU, we learned the value of authentic friendship, developed the art of great communication and learned how to love one another with no strings attached. We attribute our rock solid marriage of 12 years on the foundation of friendship we built on the campus of BSU.
I graduated in 1997 and he stayed at the university for an extra year because he was a double major. In the early 2000s, I happened to be visiting the campus and we bumped into each other at the Henry Administration Building. It was as if we had never lost touch.
In 2007 we reconnected after losing touch and realized that our lives would be more enriched if we committed to becoming one. In December 2007, we were married surrounded by our fellow RAs as guests and members of our bridal party. He is my best friend, the father of our children, and my lifetime ministry partner. He is my forever. He is the one GOD kept for me. And it all began on the campus of Bowie State University. #WeLoveBSU
David Cook (‘91) & Lynette Cook (‘89)
We met in the fall of 1984. We were introduced to each other by a mutual friend. She was a communications major and I was a business administration major. We talked a lot especially on the phone because I lived off campus with no car. Every time she called she would state, "Hi David, This is Lynette Sherrod." We would meet up at all the campus parties and she became my permanent dance partner, soulmate, and my wife. We shared two common things: we loved our families and loved each other. My nickname for her was "Peaches" and she called me "Hammer." We were later blessed with two beautiful sons shortly after marriage. She has been a great mom and wife.
Alexis Currin (‘96) & Kenneth Christopher (‘98)
Kenneth and I were attending Bowie State University, but I was ahead a year or so. We shared mutual friends, as Ken was very close to two of my Epsilon Lambda Bowie State Sigma Gamma Rho, Inc. sorors. For 17 years off and on, he'd inquire about me, asking "How's your girl?" and telling my sorority sisters to say 'hi' to me.
In 2011, I found myself single and asked my sorors about Ken. We connected on Facebook, chatting often, and finally talking daily. At a 2011 homecoming alumni party, we finally met up, talking all night and ended up dating for two years.
Our story ended in 2012, but we've since reconnected in 2019 and continue to share our love with each other and our friends and family. We've had our ups and downs but we're best friends and our love and friendship continues to grow stronger every day.
Kublai Duhart (‘13) & Cheri Duhart (‘12)
Kublai and I met in 2010 at the graduate dorms when I decided to leave my room for once from studying. I called the only person I knew from class to find out what there was to do. He said the girls across the hall were always hanging out at his suite and invited me to hang with everyone. There, I met my classmate’s roommate (who would normally be at work but happened to be off). We began talking and learned that we were both from Rochester. I was from Pennsylvania, and he was from New York. He said he thought he’d never date a girl from Rochester, but we started meeting for lunch and dinner in the cafeteria daily and we’ve been inseparable ever since. In 2016, we got married in Columbia, Maryland and we are still best friends. Thank you BSU!
Matthew Elliott (‘10) and Jai-Lyn Elliott (‘12)
It all started in the Legendary Wiseman Student Center. We met through mutual friends because Matt was their roommate! Years went by and we really only saw each other in passing until Matt’s last year at Bowie State. All of us began to hang out even more and our friendship blossomed. We eventually exchanged numbers and talked nonstop! Twelve years together and we’re married with children! Bowie State gave me the love of my life I will forever love my alma mater!
William Epps (‘O4) & Natalie Epps (‘04)
We met at Bowie State In the fall of 2000 and have been inseparable ever since. We met initially in front of the elevator of Alex Haley Hall and exchanged initial hellos. We now have two kids and live happily ever after. BSU forever!
Aaron Fickling (‘10) and Shirisa Green (‘11)
I met my wife in 2007 in Accounting 101, Professor Manyara’s class in the business building. We didn’t speak much at first, but we did sit next to each other and happen to be Facebook friends. One day, she missed class and I used that as an excuse to slide into her Facebook DM to let her know about the assignments she had missed. We started talking after that and ended up going on our first date in the Wiseman Center. Three years later, we got married in 2010 before either one of us had graduated! Now, 11 years and 2.5 kids later (one on the way) we have to be in the top 5 BSU love stories of all time! LOL
Joseph Flood, III (‘15) & Shayna Flood (‘19)
Shayna and I met during the start of the fall semester of 2014. I was walking down the promenade and I ran into her. I was working security at the time, helping out with Move-In Day. It was something unique about her smile that was so beautiful.
She was the first woman I took my graduation picture with after walking across the stage. I was her biggest supporter when it came to her being a cheerleader. I sat in the front row for every game! Her Bulldog spirit and excitement kept me smiling all the time.
I proposed to her on January 25, 2017 and we were married on May 5th of the same year. My love for Shayna grows deeper every day. We both Love God and put him first in our Marriage. We now have two beautiful children. I’m so blessed to have met her at Bowie State.
Keith Floyd (‘13) & Sydne Kersey-Floyd (‘14)
We met in 2012 and had multiple classes together in the business building. We shared a few quick looks and laughs over the span of that year, but it wasn’t until 2013 that Keith asked me for my contact information, under the guise of wanting to study together. We eventually parlayed the study dates into a beautiful romantic experience. We now have a little boy that was born in 2017, got married in 2018, and we are still growing and going stronger every day.
Tallis "Randy" Ford ('94) and Crystal Ford ('00)
Who could have known the tender yet inconceivable love power that would produce from the familiar campus of Bowie State University? Two strangers tethered by nothing other than their acceptance letters to the same school. Loud and courageous, Randy strides across the campus promenade, beaming as he showcases his blue and white Phi Beta Sigma fraternity colors. Crystal carefully graces the school grounds with her eagerness and appetite for a fresh start. Their futures aligned but their paths have yet to cross. Fresh from the exciting and confusing world of undergrad, these two strangers ignite the 22 year long flame that is their love story. The two met in December of 1998, Engaged in February 1999, and married on August 21, 1999. Encompassed in their love story are the lives and legacies of four incredible children and generations to come.
Jeremy Freeman (‘15) & Christa Freeman (‘15)
Jerm and I met in Anthropology 101. He was sitting behind me and we had to do our normal class introductions for the first day. After I spoke, he realized we were both from the eastern shore and we agreed to talk after class. He didn’t keep his promise and left as soon as class was over.
Throughout the semester, I kept him in the friend zone and he continued to try and talk to me. Finally, after a year, we started dating. We were married in September 2016 and in March 2017 we welcomed our first child. Now that’s #BulldogLove!
Eugene Gloster (‘82) & Monica Curtis Gloster (‘85)
During the fall of 1977, as freshmen at Bowie State College, is where we met. I played volleyball and he played football so our paths crossed often. While walking to the cafeteria after practice one day, he always had something to say; you know how guys are.
During the week, Eugene would walk by Holmes Hall, on the side facing the AKA's plot, and tap on my window or call out my name to see if I was in. He would say, "Girl, I got something good for you." And I would think to myself, “what's up with this guy?”
Later in the semester, we began to communicate. I couldn't ignore him anymore. He wouldn't let me (LOL). I then realized that he wasn't so bad after all. In the spring of 1978, I played on the softball team. Of course, he came out to support the team and me. Yes, I was nervous but confident. I couldn't let him see me sweat (smile). Eugene kindly asked if he could escort me to the athletic banquet. I thought that was very nice of him, so I accepted. He was proud of me when I let him carry my trophy back to the dorm (smile). Our friendship began to grow and we were inseparable.
During that time, one of my favorite songs was and still is, "The Closer I Get to You," by Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway...that was exactly how our relationship developed. We were Bowie State athletes and worked in the student union as work-study students. Eugene is a brother of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., and I am a member of the Alpha Angel Sweetheart Organization.
Michael Green (‘02) & Constance Woodard Green (‘04)
Mike and I met in the lobby of Haley Hall in the first few days after move-in day. Extremely casual conversations with strangers is part of that first-week experience, but this conversation became a friendship, and that friendship became a relationship.
We officially started dating in spring 2001. There were some bumps along the way, but we worked through them, got married in 2009, and had a son in 2012. I never guessed that a simple conversation would lead us here 18 years later!
Edward Gregory (‘93) and Taiya Gergory (‘93)
Ed and I first met when I was in the 4th grade and we were attending the Nannie Helen Burroughs School in Washington, DC. Fast forward to Fall 1989 at Bowie State in the MLK when we laid eyes on each other for the first time in years. It was quite refreshing to see a familiar face. Ed, who was a year ahead of me, quickly gave me the run down of how to avoid trouble as an incoming freshman. I appreciated that. We became inseparable. We have been married for over 28 years and have two beautiful children. Not only did we receive a wonderful education and college experience, we found an enduring love. "Oh Bowie State, Dear Bowie State, may you forever be, the flame of faith, the torch of truth to guide the steps of you." Go Bowie!
Chester Harris (‘76) & Gwynell Harris (‘76)
In the spring of 1974, I met the love of my life, Chester Harris. It was during pledge season and our lines were studying in the library. Our eyes met across the room and before long we were laughing and whispering between the aisles of books. His charm and wit made the rest of my Bowie State experience so memorable, however, in 1976 I graduated and returned to the eastern shore. He was a resident of Baltimore City and resumed his life there.
Our lives went in different directions, but similarly, we were both married, divorced and had children. In 2009, we reconnected though a friend and an over-the-phone friendship occupied the next three years of our lives until we met again in 2012. We picked up where we left off 30 some years earlier and we were married in June 2013.
Jonathan Harris (‘91) and Dedra Harris (‘93)
We met spring 1990 in the original Wiseman Center. I was a freshman and Jonathan was a senior. It was the night of the Sigma probate march. There was only one Sigma pledgee that night. Jonathan was chapter president and I was pledging to be a Sigma Dove. Our first exchange wasn’t exactly a love connection, but it didn’t take long for us to see each other in a much different light. We went our separate ways after BSU, but we stayed in touch. In 1995 we decided to reconnect and the rest is history. We’ve been married almost 24 years. Thanks BSU for my happily ever after!!!
Tyvie Herbert ('11) & Rehaana ('12) Herbert
“Our Love Story dates back to the fall of 2007 as incoming freshmen at Bowie State University during our first Homecoming.”
Tyvie was a Sociology/Criminal Justice major, whereas Rehaana was a Childhood and Adolescent Studies major so they rarely crossed paths on campus. The couple met each other through mutual friends and didn’t think much of their introduction, nor their many brief encounters.
As time went on, a genuine friendship started to form and it was not long before they found themselves in a relationship. Tyvie and Rehaana dated all four years while at Bowie State and had the pleasure of sharing in many memorable moments. One in particular was serving on the Royal Court together as Mr. Essence and Miss Black & Goldunder the leadership of Ms. Chevonne Boyd (James) and Mr. Bryant Stewart during the 2009-2010 academic School year. Both served in many other capacities within the Student Government Association, and in academic related functions respective to their majors.
“We recently got married in August of 2018 and have the pleasure of being the parents to the most handsome little boy, Alijah Roman who was born in May 2018.”
Preston James (‘96) & Kia James (‘01)
We were both in the band. I was a Sensation flag girl and he was a percussionist. We spent so much time enjoying each other's company and that led to us getting married in 2001.
Alvis Jenkins (‘08) & Quiana Jenkins (‘07)
We met outside of Holmes Hall on the wall back in 2003. I can remember tricking him into getting his phone number. LOL We started off as really good friends because I had a boyfriend at the time, but we have been together ever since. Love you Al!
Shae Johnson (‘99) & Gwendolyn Johnson (‘98)
Shae and I causally met in one of the administration buildings at the beginning of the fall 1995 semester. My friends and I were standing in line chatting when he came along. One of my more outgoing friends struck up a conversation with him. That's how he was first introduced to the collective, the Baltimore Crew, which included my bestie from New Jersey. He says he met the crew first, but didn’t learn my name and who I was until after we took English 102 together with Dr. Walker. He sat on the first row in the corner up against the wall and I sat beside him. Shae and I also lived in the same dorm. From time to time we'd find ourselves walking to Tubman at the same time. That's how we become friendly with each other. We would have quick conversations while walking around campus. It was those random moments spent together that laid the foundation for a lasting friendship.
Some time later, we saw each other at a party in the Wiseman. There he said, "I'm going to change your zip code," and he did just that! He was Prince George’s County royalty and fell for a girl from Westside Baltimore - LOL! We became friends in 1995, married in 2001, have two beautiful children and affectionately became known as Team Johnson! We have friends (turned family) from Bowie State still sharing in our lives. Those friends continue to keep us lifted in prayer and cheer us on because they know our story. It's been a true journey to get to this point. We are grateful for Bowie bringing two unlikely people to the same place, at the same time. Thanks BSU!
Brandon Jones (‘13) & Donnette Jones (‘14)
It was the first week of school in fall of 2010 when Brandon and Donnette met at the infamous promenade where BSU students would hang around and enjoy the weather. It was also when Brandon asked Donnette to go to an event to celebrate the beginning of the school year. They remained friends after that until they began dating in 2012. The couple got engaged on May 27, 2017 and got married on September 1st of the following year.
Larry King, Sports Hall of Fame (‘74, ‘85) & Cleo King
I heard that a young lady was looking to start a Tri State (NY, NJ, PA) Pre-Alumni Chapter on campus. She needed my approval, as president of the SGA, and I said yes. From then on....I don't know what happen…Been married for 48 years...
Cedric Land (‘16) & Elizabeth Land (‘16)
Cedric and I met during New Student Orientation in 2012 and bonded over our love of Vans and Wayfarer sunglasses. We remained platonic friends until Valentine’s Day of our sophomore year. I was super sick that day and took NyQuil instead of DayQuil. He took care of me all night and made sure I was comfortable and feeling okay. We ate Chinese food and watched movies together until we fell asleep. We have been together six years and just got married in October of 2019. I met the love of my life at Bowie State.
Isaiah Lemons ('20) and Sade Lemons ('21)
We met on the main floor of FPAC, volunteering for a “mock audition” for aspiring fine and performing arts students like ourselves. My voice professor, Dr. Joseph Regan introduced us and assigned us to the same table. We instantly became friends and hung out in FPAC daily. Two months later we started dating and three years later we said “I Do!"
Eugene Lott (‘06) & Valerie Lott (‘04)
I could be here all day telling this story, but in the fall of 2003 I met my wife to be. We both lived in Alex Haley Hall - Valerie on the 4th floor and I was on the 6th. I asked my RA, her friend Natalie, and her other friend Monica about Valerie.
Every day, I saw Valerie in Haley or on the yard and I made it a point to be extra. LOL I would hold the door or elevator while she was 20 or 30 feet away. I would tell her how nice she looked no matter what she was wearing.
I then got my chance after football practice. She was sitting at the front desk of Haley with Natalie and I was sweaty coming from practice. She told me her name and I told her mine. I asked her to wait and told her I would be right back to give her a hug. I ran upstairs, took a shower, did 100 pushups and covered myself in cocoa butter lotion. I put on a sleeveless shirt (to show the guns) and went back down and gave her the strongest embrace she ever had.
But from that point forward, through ups and downs and countless memories together on the yard (from wearing my number to the games, being there with me with a broken leg, etc.), 15 years later, two beautiful daughters and just celebrating 10 years of marriage, I would not change a thing! Being at Bowie State brought us together and keeps us together! (I’m sure her story is Wayyy Different) LO
David Marshall (‘79) & Sheila Marshall (‘80)
This love story begins in August 1976 when a bright-eyed freshman, Sheila Powers, entered the front gate of Bowie State College (now Bowie State University).
The first person she met was the very popular David Marshall, who was working freshman orientation at his post. His responsibility was to greet parents and the new incoming freshmen to campus. Little did either know their friendship had begun.
Sheila’s introduction to campus life began with being David’s “sidekick,” which eventually blossomed into a relationship. While at Bowie State, they were inseparable. You would often see David at sporting events, where Sheila was a cheerleader, and social events when Sheila served as Miss Sophomore and eventually Miss Bowie State College. She was also a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
You could also find David tutoring Sheila and others in math and psychology, where he excelled as a student. They were often seen walking and chatting as they went to and from the library, as studying was one of their biggest pastimes. Their love and bond grew stronger as the years went on.
After both graduated from Bowie State, they were rarely seen apart. They married in 1982 and after 44 years together (38 in marriage) and one beautiful daughter, they remain inseparable.
Ed Martin (‘75) & Martine Martin (‘74)
It was the summer of 1972 when I was encouraged by my brother Glenn Martin, who was attending Bowie State University at the time, to come down for the summer and take classes. I was on a football and wrestling scholarship at Howard University and had suffered two serious injuries that year.
When Glenn attended my last wrestling match at Howard and saw how bandaged up I was, I explained to him I didn’t know if I could get healthy enough for the August football camp. That is when he invited me to Bowie State for the summer and said if I liked it stay, if not go back and finish your scholarship obligation.
Well once my new roomie and I finished unpacking my gear, we were coming out of the back door of Kenard Hall and saw a lovely group of BSU ladies heading to the student union. I stopped my roommate and asked about one of the ladies in the group.
I pursued Martine with a vengeance. She had no qualms about letting me know that she did not like me and to leave her alone. My persistence paid off and we now have been married 42 years. Both of our kids are BSU graduates as well.
Peter Miller (‘92 & ‘96) & Zipporah Miller (‘97)
We met in 1991. Peter completed his undergraduate studies at Bowie State and we were both serving as educators.We both attended BSU for our graduate studies in 1995 and 1996. We even had the pleasure of taking some classes together. Peter earned his master's in 1996 and I earned mine in 1997 in School Administration and Supervision. Our passion is to ensure all children have the opportunity to pursue their dreams. Our greatest satisfaction is encouraging children when they feel like giving up. Seeing a child turn around to realize their potential is as beautiful as watching the sun rise. Our motto, “It’s never too late. Don’t give up on any child.”
John Moore, Jr. (‘77) & Patricia Milligan-Moore (‘76)
The beginning of our life together... Patricia was the Director of Secretarial Affairs and I was their Director of Financial Affairs for the Student Government Association. I referred to her as Miss Milligan and she called me Mr. Moore. For months, no one knew either of us had interest in the other...then it happened.
Now, after 36 years of marriage and knowing each other for over 44 years, we have three daughters - Kaisha, Karlene (deceased), and Dr. Carlitta Moore. Patricia retired after 32 years of service with Charter Communications; while I continue to work (21 years) for the Mecklenburg County Sheriff's Office in Charlotte, NC.
I take this moment to share that I value the education I earned while attending BSU; and, the one person who became my reason for living.
William (Tygir) Murphy (‘96) & Karen Chavis Murphy (‘94)
My husband and I met in middle school, dated in high school, and fell in love at Bowie State University. He was a Computer Science Major and I was studying Journalism. He tutored me in math and science, and I helped him with his research papers. There was something about us working, learning, and striving together that helped us realize we were meant to be together.
We married in December 1994, six months after my BSU graduation, and we are still in love almost 25 years later. Now, one of our daughters is a freshman at BSU, and we pray she will cultivate the same lasting friendships and lifelong love we found at BSU.
Bishop Joel Peebles (‘92) and Pastor Ylawnda Peebles (‘96)
Being in the right place at the right time begins the Peebles Bulldog Love Story. While Ylawnda sat in choir rehearsal reading a book at church, Joel tapped her on the shoulder, asking what was she doing there, to engage her in conversation.
Ylawnda’s family attended Jericho Baptist Church, later known as Jericho City of Praise Church (today Jericho City of Praise Family Ministries), and after several encounters there, Joel introduced himself as the pastor’s son. He was enamored not only by Ylawnda’s beauty and prowess, and the fact that she wasn’t caught up in his family’s prominence in the church.
After graduating high school, Ylawnda’s was slated to follow her family’s legacy and attend North Carolina Central, but Joel told her, “You can’t go.” She followed her heart and they both attended Bowie State University. This began their journey at Bowie State University, their beloved alma mater.
Their love flourished during their college years and they were married on Friday, October 8, 1993 at 7 p.m. They celebrated their silver anniversary in 2017, and are the proud parents of four children, Joel Jr., Janay, Jordan and Jeremiah. Their son, Joel Jr. is a legacy in the making and is a current student at Bowie State University.
Marcus (‘12, ‘16) & Tamisha J. Ponder (‘09)
I met Marcus on May 2, 2009, the week before I graduated from Bowie State University. I was SGA President at the time and he was a few years younger than me. Our administration threw a pre-finals party in the McKeldin Gym and he had just crossed Omega Psi Phi a few days prior. His line brothers made it their mission to introduce us (after an initial Facebook message six months prior), and we clicked immediately.
On January 1, 2014, Marcus proposed to me in front of the BSU torch with our friends, family, faculty and staff present! We married on June 5, 2015 and continue to be avid supporters and donors to our beloved Alma Mater. Marcus is a two-time graduate and I worked at BSU for several years following graduation. We love Bowie State because BSU has done so much for us! Here's to ten years of puppy love - Sigma Gamma Rho and Omega Psi Phi!
Alfonzo Powell (‘69, ‘79, ‘93) & Valorie Powell (‘72, ‘82, ‘92)
I entered Bowie State University the summer of 1968. The next day after my arrival, I was in the cafeteria having lunch and in walked Alfonzo. I remember exactly what he was wearing (navy blue shorts, a burgundy golf shirt, penny loafers with no socks and his bucket omega cap). I took one look and said to myself, "I am going to marry that man."
The next day I was walking through the student union and saw Alfonzo standing on top of a table doing the twist. I thought to myself, "maybe not." A day later, Alfonzo's fraternity brother from Culpepper stopped by Kennard Hall to say hello and Alfonzo was with him (karma....maybe?). We immediately became friends. Our personalities jelled. We love people, being with family, having fun, traveling, working hard to accomplish our dreams and above all, we love Bowie State!
We became engaged in 1969 and married in 1971. We have two sons and six grandchildren. Our youngest son, Dameon is an Omega Man and a BSU alumnus. After 48 years of marriage, we continue to thank BSU for delivering us to destiny's doorstep.
Charles & Michelle Quigley (‘10)
Charles and I met at in the Wiseman game room my senior year. He apparently had his eye on me since my freshman year. We dated from May 2010 until we were engaged in May 2014! We were married in August of 2015!
Kayla Rayford (‘17) & Bruce Reeves (‘18)
We met at New Student Orientation during the summer before our freshman year in 2013. One of our mutual friends brought Bruce and a few others around as well and we formed a huge friend group. We always hung out together as a group and we were fairly close.
I knew Bruce was very sweet, funny, and kind and as time went on, I began to develop feelings for him. We started dating our junior year at Bowie State and we've been together ever since. We support each other and continue to be best friends and in love. As time goes on, I've become so thankful to have him in my life, supporting and uplifting me. I look forward to our lives together. I love you, Bruce.
Warren Reid (‘12) & Shadra Reid (‘11)
Shadra and I met at Bowie State University in 2007. We were both in the BSU Gospel Choir under the direction of Dr. Joan Hillsman. I remember getting ready to sing for Coronation, and I believe she was about to sing "How I Got Over" by Mahalia Jackson when she piqued my interest.
Our friend Leasia hooked us up and we went on our first date at the Golden Pavilion at BSU. We dated for maybe three months and then broke up. We got back together in 2011 and have been together ever since!
We were married on September of 2014 in the presence of our friends that we met at BSU. We've been married for almost 5 years and have one daughter, Braelee, and one on the way, Marie. Bowie State University is our foundation!
Kenneth Robinson (‘92) & Angela Reynolds-Robinson (‘92)
In the fall of 1989, Shawn Estell and I went to the gym for freshman registration. It was there that I first saw Angela. I actually turned to my friend and told her that I was going to make Angela my girl. It took me a couple of weeks to locate her because she stayed in Towers Hall. We soon became good friends. I’d come to see here every day at 2 p.m. – yes before visitation, but everyone knew me and I was a good guy. Angela would leave her door open and we’d sit and talk or do homework. This went on for about six weeks. On a Friday in late October, before the Saturday football game, I met her best friend that attended a school in Baltimore. That night, she informed me that we went together. LOL
Although Angela was an education major and I was a business major, we managed to take a few classes together. During my junior year, I hid a ring in her purse — a promise ring of sorts. It took her some time (and me as well for that matter) to get use to the idea. As the years followed I looked more and more forward to being with her forever. Funny thing was, I began to hate the fact that she’d have summers off while I was working. I applied to Teach for America with a number of other BSU students, but I was the only one accepted.
She graduated in May of 1993 and we were married that December. I’ve been an educator at Hendley Elementary School — my placement school for the past 26 years. Angela started at Eleanor Roosevelt High School, but has since moved to Richard Montgomery High School where she’s been teaching for the last 20 years. We’ve been blessed with two wonderful daughters. Our oldest is currently a junior at Bowie State and hopes to be accepted into the nursing program after switching majors. Our youngest is currently a sophomore attending North Carolina A&T. I did my best to get her to attend Bowie State as well, but she’s pursuing an engineering degree.
Our time at Bowie State University was some of the best years of our lives. We’ve been happily married for 25 years due partly to the foundation that our great HBCU laid for both of us.
Eric Savage (‘88) & Lori Savage (‘90)
I met my wife walking across the yard from her dorm to the Wiseman in 1985! We got married in 1988 and have been together ever since!
Bryant Senghor (‘13) & Tracee Senghor (‘13, ‘16)
Bryant and Tracee met in French class back in 2010. At the time, Bryant was interested in Tracee, but she had no clue that his motive was to date.
During class, Bryant would always make himself available to be Tracee's partner to work on projects and classwork, however, Tracee kept missing his subtle hints.
One day Bryant mustered up enough courage and invited Tracee to his 21st birthday party, but Tracee was unable to attend. As time progressed, Bryant and Tracee lost contact as they continued to matriculate through their undergraduate careers.
In 2013, Bryant and Tracee unknowingly both earned their bachelor degrees from Bowie State University. After college, they took time to focus on personal growth and maturity. Although Bryant and Tracee had not been in direct contact since undergrad, they both knew that the next relationship would be their last one. Thus, on December 25, 2014, Bryant mustered up enough courage (once again) to wish Tracee a Merry Christmas and the rest is history!
Steven Stephenson ('10) and Deborah Stephenson ('12)
Steven and I met through a mutual friend. I saw him at different events prior to us connecting, but we were just friends. One day we actually had a moment to just chat and get to know each other. We clicked right away! We have been inseparable ever since. Now we have two daughters who we love dearly. He's my forever!
Ronald (‘08) & Natasha Taylor (‘07)
We met in history class in 2005. She was an elementary education major and I was a biology major, so that was the only class that we ever had together. We started off as friends and things blossomed. We started to date and 14 years later we have been married for nine years and have three sons. We reside in Washington, DC.
Frederick (‘85) & Rondollyn Johnson-Taylor (‘89)
We met in the fall of 1983. I was her math tutor. We truly started out as friends since we were both in relationships. We enjoyed talking with each other and our friendship continued to grow. Our friendship eventually developed into a loving relationship. This past December, we celebrated 28 years of marriage and our love continues to grow. We have two beautiful children and are looking forward to our family growing in body and spirit. We are truly blessed.
Darryl Walston (‘06) & Raishawn Walston (‘07)
Darryl and I met our freshman year (2002) at Bowie State University. Darryl reminded me of my little brother, so I wasn't interested, but that didn't stop him from trying his hand. We became cool, hung out in the same crowds and started talking. His best friend kept trying to hook us up, but it wasn't until our sophomore year (2003) that we decided to date.
We both were business majors and had most of the same classes. We both worked on campus - Darryl worked for transportation and I worked for the bookstore. We started spending a lot of time together.
Darryl finished school in the fall of 2006, but I still had one more semester to go. At this time, Bowie State did not have a winter commencement, so he had to wait to graduate in the spring of 2007. We ended up walking together.
The next steps in our lives have been remarkable! We got married in 2011 and started building our life together. We have two beautiful daughters (ages 4 and 2 months) and are living "our best life." We both could have decided to go to any other institution, but we were destined to go to THE Bowie State University. Without BSU, we wouldn't be Mr. and Mrs. Walston. Thank you Bowie State!
Dean Weeks (‘95) & Kesha Weeks (‘94 & ‘96)
According to him, he saw me during freshman move-in day and knew he needed to meet me. During my first semester, I recall walking back to Towers and him calling me out. His words, "Kesha, I'm gonna marry you one day." Although I had seen him around, I didn't even know his name. As time went on, we chatted here and there, interacting on campus and in various Greek life activities. He was a member of the Eta Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and I was a member of the Epsilon Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority.
Shortly after I graduated from grad school, he sent me a message through another Bowie State alum. We connected. I knew he would be my husband. Life hit and even though we separated, we reunited once again and here I am with his last name. We've also added a beautiful daughter, making our duo a trio.
Elbie Williams ('00) and Alkeisha Williams ('04)
We met in Spring 91. Keisha saw me perform in a group “Distinction”at the BSU Variety Show. I went to a girls basketball game and she played on the team. She walked up to me and asked how we did performing at “The Apollo” in New York. She was a cutie. Later she was working out in the gym and I came in to work out. We chatted a little, but no real interest. Further in the semester, we began talking and hanging out a little. The conversations were good. She was funny, athletic and had a smile that was lit. Did I mention she was a cutie? The more time we spent together, the more attractive to each other we became. February came around and we the brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. had a Valentine's Day program. She came and I sang “My My My” by Johny Gill. I made her my focus while I was singing. We continued to see each other and in December 1992 we got married. 29 years later we are still in love and growing together.
Dr. Ron Williams (‘89) & Angelia Williams (‘86)
In the spring of 1985, there came a knock at my dorm door that impacted my life. I had an athletic cream and my teammate sent a softball player to pick it up from me. When I opened the door, there she was! A pleasant personality and a nice smile.
We became very good friends and spent a lot of time together just hanging out. Over the next couple of years, everyone said we were a nice couple. We were the only ones that did not know we were a couple. Finally, we began dating and in April of 1991 we were married.
Twenty eight years later we are still loving on each other. We are the proud parents of three children and our baby girl is presently a freshman and member of Bulldog Nation. THANK YOU BOWIE STATE for bringing us together.
Robert Wooden & Dawn Wooden (‘99)
Rob and I met during freshmen orientation week in late August/early September 1994. I was in the Wiseman Center pretending to play an arcade game against another friend of ours. When Rob walked past he saw that our friend was losing badly and asked was I really beating him to which I responded with an enthusiastic "Yes!" My friend, however, immediately said no, but according to Rob, my sense of humor and my legs got his attention.
The next day, we saw each other again and although he remembered my name, I couldn't recall his and kept calling him Martin because he had the same big ears like Martin Lawrence! It took me about two days to finally remember his real name, but only a week - the first week of classes to be exact - to agree to go out with him. That was the best choice I ever made.
We started dating September 7, 1994 and have been together ever since, literally. We broke up once for about a week but that was it! We were married on September 7, 2000 and currently have five sons and a dog.
We have a house rule that all undergrad degrees must come from an HBCU. We tell our sons all the time that next to God and family there is no other love stronger than HBCU love, especially the love of a Bulldog!
Dr. John Word (‘77 & ‘81) & Dr. Marsha Mims-Word (‘86, ‘90 & ‘05)
Marsha and I met on the campus of Bowie State University. She was starting a career and enrolled in the undergraduate program, and I was registering for graduate classes. I thought I knew everyone on campus and was surprised and smitten by the beautiful woman working in the graduate school office. She stole my heart. Following a fun-filled courtship, I asked her to marry me, and here we are 30+ years later.