How to Enroll In or Add a Class


From Student Information go to...... > Academics > Enrollment > Enroll in a Class
  1. Choose the term that you want to enroll.
  2. This will take you into your class schedule to Add Classes.
  3. Enter the Class Number in the Class Number field, or click the lookup button to view the schedule of classes.
  4. Enter one or more Class Numbers. To add more than 6 Class Numbers, click ADD ANOTHER CLASS.
  5. After you have selected all the classes you want to add, click the SUBMIT button for the Add Status.
  6. SUCCESS will appear as the status if all classes were added without an error and you are enrolled in that class section.
  7. ERROR FOUND will appear as the status, if the class selection request cannot be processed.  A message/explanation will appear after clicking on the error found hyperlink.
  8. Go to VIEW MY CLASS SCHEDULE. Make sure all the desired open courses are listed.
  9. Waitlist is not available at this time.