Coronavirus Update

March 25, 2020

Accessing Counseling Services

Merriam Webster defines a family as one of various social units different from the traditional societal unit, yet equal to that group. Truly, we here at Bowie State University are a family, tightly knit and bound together by a common goal: the success of our students. Like any family, we’ve had our moments. Throughout our time, we have cried together. We laughed together. We mourned together. We also have celebrated together. Presently, we are called upon to care for one another in unprecedented ways during an unparalleled pandemic.

Neither rain, sleet, snow, hail, or pandemic shall deter the dedicated staff of Counseling Services from their mission. Bowie State University Counseling Services will be providing telephone counseling, consultation, and case management for students in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite our love for our family members, we wish to maintain social distance to reduce in-person social contact in the office.

Counseling Services will provide telephonic services in the following circumstances:

  1. Bowie State University in-person classes are suspended (University remains open, classes still meeting).
  2. There are current clients of Counseling Services who are experiencing symptoms of or diagnosed with COVID-19, quarantined or otherwise unable to attend counseling, but request continuing services.
  3. New students seeking services shall be provided brief, solution-focused telephone consultations, case management, or referral until in-person sessions resume and a full intake assessment can be completed.

Eligibility for Telephone Counseling Services

  1. Students must be physically present in the state of Maryland during the telephonic counseling appointment. Students are required to verify identity and location at each session. Out-of-state students will be referred to the Case Manager to be directed to local resources.
  2. Students must meet the usual eligibility criteria for receiving counseling services such as being a currently enrolled student.
  3. Students with moderate to severe mental health concerns will be referred to community treatment providers.

Accessing Services

In non-urgent situations, students should email through secure mail or leave a message on 301-860-4164 during 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Your call will be returned within 24 hours. For emergencies while on campus, please contact Public Safety on extension 2-4040. If you experience a crisis off-campus, please contact 911 or proceed to the nearest hospital.


  1. Mental Health Support
    1. Self-Help Resources
    2. Phone Apps for mental health:
      1. Headspace (Everyday guide to health and happiness. Learn the life changing skills of meditation and mindfulness in just a few minutes a day through hundreds of guided sessions on everything from managing stress and anxiety to sleep, productivity, exercise, and physical health.) Improve your relationship with yourself and others.
      2. MindShift (a great tool for anxiety available on Iphone and Android, developed by Anxiety BC. It teaches relaxation skills, develops new thinking, and suggests healthy activities. Designed for youth but useful to anyone.)
      3. Relax and Sleep Well with Glenn Harold (20-minute guided meditation with music to help you fall asleep). It is relaxing and gentle.
    3. National crisis hotlines and online services:
      1. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
        (The National Suicide Prevention Hotline is available at 1-800-273-8255 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) and a live chat is available at
      2. The Trevor Project (LGBTQ Suicide Hotline): 1-866-488-7386
      3. Trans Lifeline: 1-877-565-8860
      4. Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741
      5. Crisis Text Line for Students of Color: Text STEVE to 741741
    4. The Centers for Disease Control

Stay safe and be well.

The Team of Counseling Services