State Vaccination Totals Reach 70 Percent; Many Still Hesitant

June 2, 2021

The state of Maryland this week became the 12th state to complete first dose vaccination of 70 percent of the adult population, a target cited by federal and state health officials as the benchmark to begin creating herd immunity against COVID-19. Local jurisdictions, including Prince George’s County, have yet to reach this level, so there is still great urgency for every member of the Bowie State community, as well as family and friends, to get vaccinated to reduce the threat of a local spike in the virus.

While the scientists affirm the safety and effectiveness of all three vaccines currently in use in the United State, many persons in our campus community still raise questions. As we prepare to return home to the campus to start a new semester, a group of African American health professionals and researchers are leading The Conversation project to share the truth about the vaccines and debunk misinformation.

Check out their answers to frequently asked questions:

More videos from The Conversation can be viewed on YouTube.  Please direct any additional questions about campus operations to to assure you have accurate information for sound decision-making. Vaccination appointments are available Monday and Wednesday on campus and can be scheduled through the Wellness Patient Portal. Record of your vaccination can also be uploaded to the portal. Please monitor email and the COVID-19 Updates web section for the latest information.