Julius Davis

Julius Davis, Ed.D., is the University System of Maryland (USM) Wilson H. Elkins Professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Professional Development in the College of Education at Bowie State University. He is also the Founding Director of the Center for Research and Mentoring of Black Male Students and Teachers.
Dr. Davis has two main strands of research focused on Black students and teachers in education and mathematics education, especially in urban environments. His research of Black students critically examines their achievement and experiences and how policies shape their education and mathematics education. Dr. Davis’ research of Black teachers focuses on content and pedagogical knowledge, academic and professional experiences, and policies that shape their praxis in education and mathematics education. His research of students and teachers primarily focuses on Black males.
Dr. Davis is the author of over forty scholarly publications, including two books. He is the lead editor of the book Critical Race Theory in Mathematics Education (2019, Routledge) and co-author of the book Black Males Matter: A Blueprint for Creating School and Classroom Environments to Support their Academic and Social Development (2021, Information Age Publishing).
Dr. Davis has teaching and leadership experiences in schools, nonprofit organizations, university mathematics, educational leadership, and teacher preparation programs. At Bowie, Dr. Davis works closely with pre- and in-service PreK–12 teachers, instructional and school leaders. He engages in professional development with PreK–12 teachers and leaders focused on Black males, culturally relevant leadership and pedagogy, differentiated instruction, technology integration, and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education across the United States. He has also worked with individual schools, school districts, and state agencies to produce culturally responsive and STEM resources for educators. Dr. Davis has secured over $2 million in grants to support K-12 students, teacher candidates, teachers, and educational leaders' professional learning and development.
Dr. Davis holds a doctorate in mathematics education from Morgan State University, a master’s degree in middle/secondary instruction with a concentration in mathematics from Edinboro University, and a bachelor’s degree in mathematics education from Lincoln University.
Publications (Select)
- Davis, J. & Jett, C. (2019). Critical race theory in mathematics education. New York, NY: Routledge. (book)
Dyce, C.M., Davis, J. & Gunn, S. (2021). Black males matter: A blueprint for creating school and classroom environments to support their academic and social development: A sourcebook. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. (book)
Journal Special Issue Editorship
- Davis, J., Lewis, C. & Toldson I. (2018). Introduction to special issue: International perspectives on Black male teachers, teacher and educational leaders. Journal of Multicultural Education, 12(2), 86-89 (special issue)
- Ladeji-Osias, J., Coleman, S. & Davis, J.(2020). Increasing the Representation of Black Male Middle Schools Students in Engineering and Technology Fields through Informal Learning Programs at HBCUs. Journal of African American Males in Education 11(2), 1-7.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (Select)
- Davis, J. (2021). A liberatory response to antiBlackness and racism in the mathematics education enterprise. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education, 21(4), 783-802.
- Dyce, C.M. & Davis, J. (2021). If you are not ready, then step aside: Intentionally centering the Black male body in teacher education. Northwest Journal of Teacher Education, 16(7), DOI: https://doi.org/10.15760/nwjte.2021.16.2.7
- Davis, J., & Allen, K. M. (2020). Culturally responsive mentoring and instruction for middle school Black boys in STEM programs. Journal of African American Males in Education, 11(2), 43-58.
- *Davis, J., Allen, K., Goings, R., *Watts, J., *McKay-Davis, B., *Thomas, A., & Parker, W. (2020). Investigating pre-service Black male teachers’ identity as men, teachers, and researchers through undergraduate research. Peabody Journal of Education, 95(5), 498-512.
- Coleman, S. T., & Davis, J. (2020). Using asset-based pedagogy to facilitate STEM learning, engagement, and motivation for Black middle school boys. Journal of African American Males in Education, 11(2), 76-94.
- Davis, J., Anderson, C. & Parker, W. (2019). Identifying and supporting Black male students in gifted, honors, and advanced mathematics courses and programs throughout the K-12 pipeline. Gifted Child Today, 42(3), 140-149. (article)
- Davis, J. (2018). Redefining Black students’ success and high achievement in mathematics education: Towards a liberatory paradigm. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, 11(1&2), 69-77. (article)
- Goings, R.B., Alexander, S. Davis, J., Walters, N. (2018). Using double consciousness as an analytic tool to discuss the decision making of Black school leaders in disrupting the school-to-prison pipeline. Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education, 17(4), 29-48. *Article with school leaders* (article)
- McIntosh, K., Davis, J., Garraway, R. & Burt, J. (2018). Every student succeeds (except for Black male students) act. Teachers College Record. 120(13), 1-20. *Article with doctoral student* (article)
- Davis, J., Long, L., Green, S., Crawford, Y. & Blackwood, J. (2018). An in-depth case study of a prospective Black male teacher candidate with an undisclosed disability at a HBCU. Journal of Research Initiatives, 3(2), 1-18 *Article with doctoral student* (article)
- Davis, J. (2018). An examination of three Black African mathematics teachers’ teacher preparation and teaching experiences in Africa and the U.S. Journal of Multicultural Education. 12(2), 161-171. (article)
- Harris, D. and Davis, J. (2018). The experiences of three Black African male mathematics teachers in a same race and gender peer mentoring program. Journal of Multicultural Education. 12(2), 172-182. *Article with practicing school leader* (article)
- Goings, R. B., Davis, J., Britto, J., & Greene, D. (2017). The influence of mentoring on the academic trajectory of a 17-year-old Black male college sophomore from the United Kingdom: a single case study. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 25(3), 346-368. *Article with undergraduate and doctoral students* (article)
- Pitts Bannister, V. R., Davis, J., Mutegi, J., Thompson, L., & Lewis, D. (2017). "Returning to the Root" of the problem: Improving the social condition of African Americans through science and mathematics education. Catalyst: A Social Justice Forum. 7(1), 4-14. *Article with doctoral student* (article)
- Davis, J. (2014). The influence of hip-hop on African American middle school youth in a poor and working class urban community. African American Learner, 3(1) (Online Journal)
- Davis, J. (2014). The mathematical experiences of African American males in a predominantly Black urban middle school and community. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology (IJEMST) 2(3), 206- 222. (article)
- Clark, L., Jones, T. & Davis, J. (2013). Conceptualizing the African American mathematics teacher as a key figure in the African American education historical narrative. Teachers College Record. 115(2), 1-29. (article)
- Thompson, L. & Davis, J. (2013). The meaning high-achieving African American males in an urban high school ascribe to mathematics. Urban Review. 45(4), 490-517. (article)
- Davis, J. & Martin, D.B. (2008). Racism, assessment & instructional practices: Implications for mathematics teachers of African American students. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education 1(1), 10-34. (article)
Book Chapters (Select)
- Thorne, S., Wood, M. & Davis, J. (in press). “Lifting as we climb”: Three Black men teaching Black male students in an introductory education course. In S. Cupid and A. Tomlin (Eds), Black experiences in higher education: Faculty, staff, and students. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.
- Davis, J. (in press). Chapter 12. Centering race, racism, and Black learners in critical examinations of mathematics education: A critical race theory perspective. In A. Abdi and G. Misiaszek (Eds.), Palgrave handbook on critical theories of education. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- *Coleman, S.T., Davis, J., and *Doughty, Jr., C. (2021). Black men in higher education discuss the impact of police brutality, protest, and coronavirus pandemic on Black boys and men. In Hairston, K., Edmonds, W., and Clark, S. (Eds.), The Black Experience and Navigating Higher Education Through a Virtual World. IGI Global.
- Jett, C. C., & Davis, J. (2019). Black males' experiences throughout the STEM pipeline: Factors that contribute to their success. In E. McGee & W. Robinson (Eds.), Interjecting multidisciplinary perspectives of race and gender for diversification in STEM. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. (Peer-Reviewed). (book)
- Davis, J. Goings, R. & Allen, K. (2019). Developing pre-service mathematics teachers to meet the needs of Black male students in teacher education programs. In G. Prime (Ed.), Centering race in the STEM education of African American K-12 learners. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing Inc. (Peer-Reviewed). (book)
- Davis, J. (2016). Free to conduct research of race and racism in the lives, schooling, and mathematics education of Black students in my West Baltimore community (pp. 79-89). In R. Palmer, C. Gipson, L. Walker, C. Troy, R. Goings, & F. Commodore (Eds.), Graduate education at HBCUs: A student perspective. United Kingdom: Routledge. (Peer-Reviewed) (book)
- Davis, J., Jones, T. & Clark, L. (2013). The case of a Black male mathematics teacher teaching in a unique urban context: Implications for recruiting Black male mathematics teachers (pp. 77-92). In C. W. Lewis & I. A. Toldson (Eds.), Black male teachers: Diversifying the nation’s workforce. Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing. (Peer-Reviewed) (book)
Commentary Articles (Select)
- Davis, J. (2022). Disrupting research, theory, and pedagogy with critical race theory in mathematics education for Black populations. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, 15(1), 9-30.
- *Kelly, K. & Davis, J. (2021). Commentary: Increasing Black men representation in school psychology through early exposure. Perspectives on Urban Education
Contributing Manual & Strategic Plan Author
- Maryland State Board of Education (2021). Transforming the culture of Maryland’s schools for Black boys (A resource guide for educators). Task Force on Achieving Academic Equity and Excellence for Black Boys.
- Maryland State Department of Education (2014). STEM education strategic plan. Baltimore, MD: Author (strategic plan)
- Maryland Teaching Consortium (2014). Preparing educators for high teachers, and principals. Baltimore, MD: Maryland State Department of Education (manual)
Grants (Select)
- Davis, J. (2021). Center for Research and Mentoring of Black Male Students and Teachers. Bowie State University Title III Office. $150,000.
- Davis, J. (2020). University System of Maryland Wilson H. Elkins Professorship. $45,000.
- Davis, J. (2020). Bowie State University I-Corps Grant. Entrepreneurship Academy. $2,500.
- Dibble, J. Davis, J., Long, L, Pearson, A. & Sweeney, J. (2019). Paraeducators Pathways to Culturally Responsive Teaching. Maryland State Department of Education Teacher Collaborative Grant. $750,000. BSU Lead Investigator
- Davis, J. (2019). Wilson H. Elkins Professorship. University System of Maryland. $44,000.
- Davis, J. (2018). Expanding Black Male Research Across Campus. Bowie C2ARES Transition Research Grant. $6,000. Lead Principal Investigator.
- Davis, J. & Parker, W. (2018). Faculty Professional Development Award. Bowie State University Title III Faculty and Staff Ecosystem for Professional Development. $6,000. Lead Grant Writer.
- Davis, J. & Ladeji-Osias, J. (2017). Black Males in Middle School (HBCU-DCL EAGER): Investigating How STEM Mentoring Programs and Experiences Influences Their Academic and Career Interest in Engineering. National Science Foundation EAGER. $249,066. Lead Principal Investigator.
Media/News (Select)
- June 11, 2021: Presidential Awards Celebrate Faculty and Staff Achievements https://bowiestate.edu/about/administration-and-governance/division-of-administration-and-finance/human-resources/faculty-and-staff-awards/presidential-awards-2021.php
- May 26, 2021: Center for Black Males Makes Strides to Diversity Educator Workforce https://bowiestate.edu/about/news/2021/center-for-black-males-makes-strides-to-diversify-educator-workforce.php
- December 10, 2020: Campus Compact Mid-Atlantic 2020 Winners https://midatlantic.compact.org/grants-and-awards/ccma-awards/2020-winners/
- December 2, 2020: Researcher of Black Educators & Students Honored for Service Learning https://bowiestate.edu/about/news/2020/researcher-of-black-educators-students-honored-for-service-learning.php
- September 9, 2020: Black Male Educator Pipeline Strengthened with BSU Professor’s Award https://bowiestate.edu/about/news/2020/black-male-educator-pipeline-strengthened-with-bsu-professors-award.php?utm_source=09Sep20-headline1&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=bsYou
- November 6, 2019: Forest of the Rain: Why the Importance of Black Male Teachers? https://www.forestoftherain.net/why-the-importance-of-black-male-teachers-julius-davis-edd.html
- September 4, 2019: WJLA/abc7: A local professor aims to attract Black males to teach. Now, he has help. https://wjla.com/features/spotlight-on-education/black-males-teaching-profession
- August 20, 2019: ABCActionNews: This Maryland university works to get more Black male teachers into classrooms. https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/national/this-maryland-university-works-to-get-more-black-male-teachers-into-classrooms
- August 14, 2019: WPGC 95.5 FM: Bowie State research center seeks to serve as pipeline for Black men in education. https://wpgc.radio.com/blogs/poet/bowie-state-build-center-research-and-mentoring-black-male-students-and-teachers
- August 13, 2019: Houston Style Magazine: Bowie State to Launch the Center for Research and Mentoring of Black Male Students and Teachers. http://stylemagazine.com/news/2019/aug/13/bowie-state-launch-center-research-and-mentoring-b/
- August 10, 2019: Bowie State University Creates Center to Increase Representation of Black Male Teachers https://newsone.com/3884009/bowie-state-university-center-for-black-male-teachers/
News Outlets: NewsOne, Good BlackNews, Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, News Talk1490
- August 9, 2019: WUSA9: There is a shortage of Black male teachers | Bowie State program looks to draw more Black men to education careers. https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/education/there-is-a-shortage-of-black-male-teachers-bowie-state-program-looks-to-draw-more-black-men-to-education-careers/65-9ad63005-3b89-4ff0-8bb8-75b8c73dc3e0
- May 14, 2018: Julius Davis, Bowie State University, on STEM ed (#Stateof BlackDCMD). Greater Washington Urban League. https://vimeo.com/269676407