Feb. 12 Campus Closure Due to Inclement Weather — Virtual Operations

Due to inclement weather, Bowie State University’s campus will be closed on Wednesday, February 12, and all classes and office operations will be virtual. Essential personnel should report on time. All campus activities are canceled, and Spring Convocation will be rescheduled to Feb. 19, 2025.

Capital Projects

The Bowie State University Facilities Master Plan (FMP) will establish the framework for orderly growth and development of capital improvements on campus. Bowie State University's most recently updated Facilities Master Plan was July, 2016. The University is currently in the process of updating our Facilities Master Plan.

Latest Campus Improvement/Renovation Projects

Campus Wide Wayfinding

Exterior wayfinding has an estimated completion date of June, 2019. Currently the contractors are working on demolishing the old signs and pouring foundations for the new vehicular signs.

Interior wayfinding is currently in the design development stage.

Humanities Building

The design phase for the new Communication, Arts and Humanities building will begin in the Fall of 2019. This building will replace the existing MLK building and will house the Departments of Communications, Language, Literature & Cultural Studies, History and Government, and ROTC. There will also be a 1500 seat auditorium and production facilities for the University’s radio and television stations that support student productions.

The building is scheduled to open for students in the fall of 2024.

Library HVAC upgrade

The upgrade includes new air handling equipment, controls and ductwork. This project will significantly improve temperature controls in the Library and will add humidity control for the Archives and library stacks areas. The upgrade is schedule for completion in December, 2020.

New 400 Space Parking Lot

A new parking lot (approx. 400 spaces) is being constructed and will be located across from the athletic track, north of Parking Lot J. The contract is being awarded with completion scheduled for late September, 2019.

Solar Canopy Parking Lot

A new solar canopy will be installed over the new parking lot. The generating capacity will be in excess of 1 megawatt and will be the largest single solar installation on campus. It will make the total campus solar capacity be in excess of 2.5 megawatts. It will be constructed concurrently with the new parking lot and scheduled for completion in September 2019.

Replacement of Chillers in James E. Proctor Building

The project will replace chillers in the JEP building and include modifications to the penthouse to accommodate the new chillers. The design of the project underway. Installation is expected to be completed by Spring of 2020.

Enrollment Management Suite

This project will reconfigure spaces/offices in Henry Administration to enhance student services year round but especially during registration and other high demand periods. The project will be completed in several phases and will included work in the Registrar, Financial Aid, and Admissions offices. A welcome desk and area will also be added to the lobby area of Henry Administration. Work is expected to be complete by December, 2019.

Power Plant

This is a multiphase phase project to repurpose the use of the building and surrounding areas. Phase I is an exterior ground enhancement including trees, planting, and an elevated berm to enhance the exterior appearance of the area on one of the main entry routes to the university. Phase I is scheduled to be complete by May 2019. Phase II consists of the installation of material bins for salt, sand and other grounds keeping materials and the relocation of the greenhouse. Phase III is a refurbishment of the interior of the building including an area for a recycling center. Phases II and III will be completed during the summer of 2019.

Athletics Projects

James Complex

The lobby area of the James Complex will be modernized including new interior doors on the main corridors. The addition of a ticketing booth at the entry point is also being investigated to enhance pedestrian flow during high demand events. The work will also include the addition of a student lounge with appropriate amenities. A renovation of the 2nd floor area (former wrestling room) is under review. The area will be converted to a classroom/study area for students.

James Gym Boiler Replacement

The project will replace six existing boilers in the gym. Work is underway with an estimated completion of August, 2019.

James Gymnasium Windows and Doors

The project replaced all office windows, six interior corridor glass doors and one exterior glass door. It was completed February 2019.

Indoor Swimming Pool at Leonidas S. James Physical Education Complex

The pool renovation will provide students with an opportunity to participate in swimming classes and alternative water cardio. Renovation work is underway and is schedule to be complete by September, 2019. The project will bring the pool up to current codes and completely rehabilitate the pool including new equipment.

McKeldin Gym Refurbishment

This project is the refurbishment of the Gym area of McKeldin and includes a new gym floor, refinished stage area, new gym interior entry doors, LED lighting, new basketball goals and repainting. The restrooms and other areas will be refurbished as well. Work will be completed in stages during the spring and summer of 2019.