Standing Committees
All Standing Committee meetings are currently being held online. All tenured, tenure-track, and full-time contractual faculty are eligible to serve on Standing Committees of the Faculty Senate, with the following specific stipulations:
Academic Standards and Policies
One Faculty member elected from each academic department with a rank of Assistant Professor or higher and three years of continuous service
Chair: Jake Johnson | Department of Counseling & Psychological Studies |
Meeting details: 3rd Tuesday | 3:00pm |
- To formulate and recommend general standards for all academic areas of the University.
- To formulate and recommend standards and policies for academic degrees.
- To recommend the establishment of new academic structures and the merging or discontinuation of academic structures.
Appointment, Rank and Tenure
One Faculty member elected from each academic department with a rank of Full Professor and three years of continuous service
Department Chairs may NOT serve on this committee
Chair: Mehran Mahdavi | Department of Mathematics |
Meeting details: This committee does not meet monthly; meetings are held as outlined by the ART schedule
- To make recommendations to the Provost of the University regarding the granting of continuous tenure, promotion in rank, permanent status sabbatical leave, honorary degrees, emeritus status and other related matters.
- To follow procedures and policies document in the Bowie State University Policy on Appointment, Rank and Tenure of Faculty.
Assessment of Student Learning & Experience
One Faculty member elected from each academic department
Co-Chairs: Lucia Santacruz Kozarinas | Department of Natural Sciences | &
Charla Mckinzie Bishop | Department of Behavioral Sciences and Human Services |
Meeting details: 3rd Tuesdays | 3:30pm | Microsoft Teams
Faculty Constitution
One Faculty member elected from each College and one faculty member appointed by the Faculty Senate
Acting Chair: Birthale Archie | Department of Nursing |
Meeting details: This committee does not meet monthly; it meets as needed when constitutional matters are presented by the Senate
- To consider and make recommendations to the Faculty Senate on proposed amendments to the Constitution.
- The Committee shall review the Constitution annually to ensure that it is in compliance4 with changes in USM documents.
Faculty Evaluation
One Faculty member elected from each academic department
Chair: Cubie Bragg | Department of Counseling |
Meeting details: 3rd Tuesday | 1:00pm |
- To make recommendations concerning evaluation policies.
- To structure and revise, as needed, instruments, procedures, methods and techniques for faculty evaluation of faculty, department chairpersons, academic support staff and administrators, and propose recommendations regarding their use.
- To cooperate with committees and task forces of other University units and/or external authorities concerning evaluation.
Faculty Elections
Two Faculty members elected at-large from each College + one faculty member appointed by the Faculty Senate
Co:Chairs: Kimberly Daniel | Department of Counseling & Psychological Studies | & Jennifer West | Department of Counseling & Psychological Studies |
Meeting details: This committee does not meet monthly; it meets as needed when elections are scheduled or requested by the Senate.
- To conduct balloting of faculty when requested by the Faculty Senate and it shall conduct the elections of faculty representatives from the faculty at-large for internal and external governance structures, as required by the Faculty Constitution.
- To conduct, prior to May, the election of persons from the faculty at-large for all Faculty Senate Committees (The persons to be elected include the elected members of the Faculty Elections Committee itself} Each Faculty Senate standing committee shall elect its own chair.
- To conduct balloting of members of the Faculty Association when necessary.
Faculty Grievance
Seven tenured Faculty members elected at-large from the university
Chair: TBA
Meeting details: This committee does not meet monthly; it meets as needed when faculty grievances are presented to the Committee
- To consider eligible grievances made by a faculty member, again another faculty member, provided that an attempt to resolve the matter at the departmental level was made and failed.
- To formulate a recommendation to the parties involved and to the Provost.
- To report the recommendation to the parties involved and to the Provost.
- To recommend grievance procedures and policies to the Faculty Senate.
Faculty Handbook
Two Faculty members elected at-large from each College + one faculty member appointed by the Faculty Senate
Chair (appointed): Velma Latson | Department of Technology & Security |
Meeting details: TBD
- To engage in a systematic review of the BSU Faculty Handbook, using a two-year continuous improvement cycle, to make recommendations for improvements to the faculty workplace for teaching and conducting research.
- Review all chapters in the BSU Faculty Handbook and the most recent USM policies that align with policies described in the BSU Faculty Handbook.
- Propose and implement adopted revisions and changes to the BSU Faculty Handbook.
Faculty Online Learning
One Faculty member elected from each academic department
Chair: TBA
Meeting details: TBA
- To explore, develop and recommend policies and best practices pertaining to the development and deployment of online learning.
Faculty Salary & Workload
One Faculty member elected from each academic department
Chair: Darla Scott | Department of Counseling & Psychological Studies |
Meeting details: 3rd Tuesday | 3:00pm | TBA
- To explore, develop and recommend policies pertaining to faculty salary, including, but not limited to salary equity, contracts, grants.
- To explore, develop and recommend policies pertaining to faculty workload, including but not limited to workload equityy, definition and scope of teaching, research and service.
Faculty Welfare
One Faculty member elected from each academic department
Chair: TBD
Meeting details: 3rd Tuesday | 3:00pm |
- To explore, develop and recommend policies pertaining to faculty protection, security, employment, morale and academic freedom.
- To monitor and to recommend modifications or procedures of, additions to, or deletions from faculty support services.
General Education
One Faculty member elected from each academic department
Chair: Annie Leslie | Department of Behavioral Sciences & Human Services |
Meeting details: 3rd Tuesday | 3:30pm |
Graduate Council
One Faculty member from each academic department with a graduate or certificate program
Chair: Supriyo Brag | Department of Natural Sciences |
Meeting details: Second Tuesday of every month
- To serve as the centralized unit for consideration of all program matters and degree regulations at the graduate level.
- To consider and recommend admission requirements, degree requirements, addition, deletion and modification of courses, and programs; and consideration of student appeals for exceptions to requirements and other student grievances.
- Council actions are forwarded to the Curriculum Committee, Academic Standards and Policies Committee as appropriate.
University Curriculum
One Faculty member from each academic department with the rank of Assistant Professor or higher
Chair: Andrew Mangle | Department of Management Information Systems |
Meeting details: 3rd Tuesday | 3:00pm |
- To recommend additions to, deletions from, and changes in credit and non-credit courses.
- To recommend new programs.
- To study the overall curriculum of the University and the feasibility of changes to strengthen it and make recommendations to the Faculty Senate.