How many trees are we planting in this event and what kind of trees?
25; a hybrid of apple and pear trees
Who made the decision to plant apple and pear trees?
The FTPF expert arborist along with our Groundskeepingsupervisor looked at a number of factors including which ones grow best in our region and bloom during the normal school year.
Who made the decision to plant the trees in the area between Lot L and Loop Road, and why?
Our Groundskeeping staff looked at areas of campus with the best spacing and soil conditions. The space will give the project more visibility and would be easy to maintain in terms of watering.
How many other colleges has the FTPF worked with and which ones are in our region?
Approximately 15 colleges and universities in the U.S. (including community and tribal colleges); California University of Pennsylvania, Chatham University, Shippensburg University (all located in PA)
What is the average time it takes for apple and pear trees to mature?
About 4 years, although there may be minimal amounts of fruit before that
What is the typical harvesting season for apples and pears?
Late summer/early fall
How long can these trees last when properly maintained?
Apple trees can live 100 years and pear trees for 50 years.
Will the FTPF continue to work with us after the trees are planted?
Yes, they will be available for follow up and questions and will send BSU annual surveys, as well as periodically visit the orchard.
Is there an aftercare guide available for the fruit trees?
How will the trees be protected from deer and pests?
Deer fencing will be used around the trees.
Will bad weather kill the trees?
In general, mature fruit trees are very resilient, and certain species are adapted to growing in certain regions regardless of harsh weather.
Who is able to pick the fruit from the trees once they produce?
The trees are accessible to all in the BSU community. We just ask that people are considerate and do not gather large amounts of the fruit at once.