4 Fashion Trends to Watch in 2022

By Lauren Stacey
Spectrum Staff Writer

Starting off with playing with color, trend number one goes to colorful pant suits. A good pantsuit is a staple everyone should have in their wardrobe. Weather you have an important business meeting or trying to make a great first impression, pantsuits win every time. Adding pops of color to this classic look is what’s elevating it for the year of 2022. Monochromic pants suits (suits that are one solid color) have already been seen on the runways, so it is no surprise that you’re going to see them in the streets soon.

Nine times out of 10 most of us would rather throw on a pair of leggings or sweatpants than a pair of jeans. The next trend set for 2022 will definitely help with this feeling. Everyday athleisure (workout clothes essentially) is the answer to all our comfy needs. Sweatpants and leggings are no longer seen to just be fit in the gym anymore. Cute matching legging sets, graphic sweatshirts and biker shorts can be worn for all types of outings now.

Circling back around to the idea of playing with color, rainbow knits are another trend destined to be seen all 2022. Knitwear, whether it’s a comfortable sweater or maxi dress, playful colors will certainly be incorporated. Colorful designs and prints will transform your knitwear into fun garments that you can carry into the spring season.

Closing the trend set for 2022 are party dresses. With the pandemic changing what the “norm” is for festivities, it’s clear that brands are ready to give the people great looks to wear when they go out in again. Having at least one good party dress in your closet is a must for the ladies. From a night out on the town or going on a first date, the right party dress can guarantee you a great night. Designers have included a wide range when it comes to party dresses this season. With the wide variety, every woman can find her perfect party dress.