Campus Closed Jan. 7 due to Weather

Due to the inclement weather, Bowie State University’s campus will be closed on Tuesday, January 7, 2025, and all classes and office operations will be virtual. All campus activities are canceled. We will continue to monitor the weather and provide updates as needed. For any further information, please visit the university website.

Cvent Internship Sessions


Are you interested in a Summer 2022 internship or Student Assistance program?

Cvent will host sessions on November 9th - right from the CS department - you can also attend remotely.

09:30am-10:50am and 11:00am-12:20pm

How to Land your Dream Internship! From building your resume, to applying to jobs, preparing for an interview, and more. Come prepared by bringing your resume to take notes on how to make it the best tool to sell your talents to prospective employers and a list of questions to ask these professionals who are experts in hiring for software internships!

12:30pm-2:00 - CS Conference Room

Come hang out some Cvent swag in Conference Room 210 while you chat with Rachel Hendricks, Senior Operations Analyst, and Ryan Lukehart, Senior Director of Engineering, about any and everything software industry related.

Come prepared by bringing your resume to be shared and reviewed, a list of questions you've been dying to ask, and anything else you want to share with these two! Cvent currently has Summer Internships, Full-Time positions, and a Student Assistance Program they are actively recruiting for!

Below is the Zoom link to use for all meetings:

Meeting ID: 642 120 0331

Passcode: Fall2021