Department of Computer Science
Student Achievement
Spring 2023
The Innovation and Creativity Competition March 2023
As a follow-up to the Winter Retention Workshops funded by national Science Foundation (NSF), the Department of Computer Science hosted a project showcase titled “Innovation and Creativity Competition” on March 3rd, 2023
The first three winners were announced and presented with awards as follows:
- First Place $1,500.00
- Second Place $1,250.00
- Third Place $1,000.00
According to our distinguished judges, Sarah & CJ group (Sarah Awasu and Chukwuemeka Obizuo ) won first place for developing a student portfolio website, promotion website, and timeline website. Coders.NNET (Ekene Onoha and Niar Plair) won second place for building BSU Shuttle App. Third place was the A tie between Light (Fahmina Nur Salma ), who developed a professional portfolio website, and Women Who Code Plus a Guy (Chenilyn Joy Espineda, Dayana Farrufino, Praise Ben, Calvin-Caleb Amiolemen), who created an object detection app. Below are the winner’s abstracts.
First Place Winners: Chukwuemeka Obizuo and Sarah Owusu
Project: Portfolio and Promotion website
This past Winter Semester, Bowie State University offered a fun and interactive workshop for students to learn Web Development. Our team learned a lot from this workshop and utilized a lot of the teachings! We acquired the ability to use Visual Studio Code for HTML, CSS, ReactJS and a dependency known as Tailwind CSS. We were able to construct and present different projects (such as a student portfolio, promotion website and timeline) that we made using our newfound knowledge.
Second Place Winners: Ekene Onoh and Nia Plair
Project: BSU Shuttle App
There have been many occasions where students have either not known whether or not the off-campus shuttle was available, been unaware of the schedule, or experienced inconsistent arrivals. The Bowie State University (BSU) Shuttle App solves these issues by displaying where the shuttle is and where it is going based on the current time of the user’s device. Shuttle drivers can log in, so they can let the users know if they are actually at the stop or not. It also includes the hours of operation of various facilities and resources around the campus, so students can have easier access to that information. The design consists of four pages where students and the driver can navigate between. The home screen displays the logo of the app while the driver page allows the drivers to log in and confirm that they are available to drive that day. The hours of operation screen displays the hours of multiple services around campus and the off-campus screen shows the driver’s availability that day and when the next and remaining stops are for the rest of the day.
Third Place Winners: Chenilyn Joy Espineda, Dayana Farrufino, Praise Ben, Calvin-Caleb Amiolemen
Project: Argus
Argus is an AI and ML model designed to detect various types of accidents such as gunshots, car accidents, floods, and knives. Using advanced computer vision algorithms, Argus can analyze real-time footage and identify potentially hazardous situations, allowing for faster response times and more efficient emergency services. In addition to its current capabilities, Argus aims to expand its functionality in the future by incorporating predictive analytics to help prevent car crashes. By analyzing data on driving behavior and road conditions, the model could provide early warnings to drivers and even take preventative measures to avoid accidents altogether. Overall, Argus represents a significant advancement in accident detection and prevention technology, with the potential to save countless lives and reduce the impact of natural disasters and other emergencies.
Third Place Winners: Fahmina Nur Salma
Project: Portfolio Website
This is a front-end development project using HTML, CSS and Java Script. Portfolios include information about who you are and examples of your work and achievements. It is the physical features, which actually other people are looking into your profile. I developed an online website which is going to be available 24/7 and can get modified from anywhere in the world. There are few sections in the website such as: Education/Experience, skills, achievements and contacts. Education/ experience showed that whether you are qualified enough to get the job, skills showed evidence that you have enough potential to make the things work and achievements showed the proof that you can successfully accomplish your goal. Contact me is the section where people can easily connect with me, giving their suggestion to improve or question me about my work. I used brackets.io which is an open source code editor that understand web design. The website is responsive. I utilize the knowledge we learned from the Winter-2023 workshop arranged by the department of computer science at Bowie State University.
Felix Njeh
COSC graduate Dr. Felix Njeh is the 2019 NSBE Golden Torch Award honoree for Distinguished Engineer of the Year 2018-2019. Dr. Njeh will be recognized at the 22nd Annual Golden Torch Awards (GTA) to be held on Saturday, March 30, 2019 in Detroit.
Isaiah Gregory & Leo Genota
COSC undergraduates Isaiah Gregory and Leo Genota were selected to participate in the “Honda Campus All-Star Challenge” in Spring 2019. These students competed with 47 other groups in a quiz bowl for Historically Black Universities and Colleges. Their Team Lead is COSC alumni, Mr. Carroll Reed III.
Ahmed Ashkar & Nathan Nti
Also in spring 2019, COSC undergraduates Ahmed Ashkar and Nathan Nti were selected to participate in an interdisciplinary team of seven members to compete in the “Battle of the Brains” with 29 other HBCU teams during a 24-hour long business completion.
Nathan Nti
Nathan Nti, candidate for a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science, was selected for a $1,000 academic scholarship from Ace Info Solutions, Inc.
Update: Nathan graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science as is working as a Cryptanalytic Computer Scientist at the Pentagon.
Isaiah Lewis
COSC undergraduate Isaiah Lewis received a University System of Maryland scholarship from SECU Credit Union Foundation in the summer of 2018.
Jesuye David
Jesuye David, candidate for a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science, was selected for a second year to participate in a popular research event on Capitol Hill sponsored by the Council on Undergraduate Research. Jesuye, along with 60 other top student researchers, was chosen from among hundreds of entries to present his research to Congressional members during the 22nd Annual Posters on the Hill event, April 17-18, 2018. Jesuye's research, conducted under the mentorship of Dr. Darsana Josyula, compared the Kasai weather prediction algorithm to classical predictive modeling, with the goal of illustrating the advantages of the Kasai algorithm over contemporary machine learning techniques. Research opportunities are not just limited to graduate students at Bowie State University, the department can customize its offerings to include undergraduate students who have an interest in conducting research.
Update: Jesuye graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science as is working at Yext, Inc.
Abdulrahman Alatawi
Doctoral candidate Abdul Alatawi won a $500 award for travel to the IEEE BIGMM conference in CA where he was presenting a research paper.
Update: Abdul passed his dissertation defense with honors, graduated with a Doctor of Science in Computer Science and has returned to Saudi Arabia to teach.
Kenneth M’Bale
Doctoral candidate Kenneth M’Bale was asked to chair the session “Artificial Intelligence, Novel Applications and Concepts” at the CSCE’17 conference in July, 2017, University of Ulsan, South Korea.
Update: Kenneth graduated with a Doctor of Science degree in Computer Science and teaches for the department part-time.
Kenneth's research paper on Artificial Intelligence (pdf)
Chadd E. Philp
Chadd E. Philp, who is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in computer science, was awarded a NIST Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) and presented a research paper entitled “Characterizing User Experience of Voice Application” at the SURF 2017 Colloquium.
Chadd's abstract (pdf)
Update: Chadd graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science as is working as a Software Engineer at IBM in New York.
Denzel Prince
Computer science master's student Cadet Denzel Prince was awarded the Bowie State University Presidential Student Leadership Award for 2016. This award is given to a student who has excelled in leadership roles on campus and in the wider community. This honor is given to just one graduate and undergraduate student each year.
Update: Denzel graduated with a Master of Science in Computer Science and is currently enrolled in the department's doctoral program in Computer Science.
Marvin Conn
Doctoral candidate Marvin Conn presented a paper at the IEEE-CTS 2016 conference in Orlando and won "Runner Up" for the CTS 2016 Outstanding Paper Award. The awards are given for contributions which are considered outstanding in their scientific quality, timeliness, and relevance.
Marvin's research paper (pdf), entitled "Immersive Telerobotics using the Oculus Rift and the 5DT Ultra Data Glove", proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS 2016), Orlando, Florida, USA, October 31 - November 04, 2016.
Update: Marvin continues to work on his disseration.