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I Have a Question for You

By Vivi Nguyen


It’s 5 O’clock somewhere, isn’t it? 

You’re doing okay in another life, aren’t you? 

We’re gonna be fine, aren’t we? 

In April, don’t all of the flowers awaken to dew? 


You’ve persevered through worse, haven’t you? 

I’m always gonna be here for you, aren’t I? 

Does having emotions make you a fool? 

Does that make me one, too? 


We can only take so much, can’t we? 

Breaking down is all right, isn’t it? 

I’ll help you back up, won’t I? 

Cry it out and let somebody hold you… just like when you were a little kid. 


The sun will shine after the storm, 

When it rains, it pours. 

The rainbow colors glide across the sky, 

The grass is greener where your feet touch the floor. 

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