Department of Management, Marketing & Public Administration
Jobs & Internships
Undergraduate Internships & Career Opportunities
The job market is crawling with business majors. It's hard to stand out from the crowd when more than one out of every five new college grads is a business major. What you're telegraphing when you major in business is that you want to make money, but do you have what it takes to someday earn that corner office?
Internship experience an excellent way of putting yourself ahead of the competition. To a prospective employer, prior employment experience illustrates initiative on the part of a student, a sense of career direction, and confirms that he or she has been exposed to work in an office environment.
For the latest information about Jobs and Summer Internships, please click on the jobs/intern opportunities listed on the left hand-side of this web under the title:"Jobs and Internships.
From the 2012 Guide to Compensation for Interns & Co-ops Report*:
- 76% of students were paid for their internship or co-op experience
- 42% of internships resulted in full-time positions with their internship employer - 88% of students hired for full-time jobs had at least one internship or co-op experience during their college career (based on 2012 Senior Survey data). You can view the average salaries for full-time employment online.
- Average weekly salary for an internship/co-op was $786
Average Weekly Salaries by Major
Accounting - $901
Actuarial Science - $838
Economics - $849
Finance - $849
Management - $602
Risk Management - $724
Supply Chain - $730
This salary data is only calculated on base salary. Some companies also include housingassistance and other benefits (e.g. Actuarial Science majors frequently receive housingassistance along with base salary).
*This information is accurate as of April 12, 2012.
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