Department of Management, Marketing & Public Administration
Success Stories
The Department of Management, Marketing, and Public Administration has completed another outstanding year of achievement. The faculty has been active in scholarship, research, and community service. We are proud of the activities that include student involvement led by members of the department. Following are highlights of very significant achievements which epitomize a year of outstanding achievement for the department:
HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson shakes hands with HUD Federal Credit Union intern DeAndre Watson during a visit to the credit union. The current management trainee, DeAndre Watson, spends four hours a day in member services and four hours a day in marketing, he added. “I expect her to do this for about nine months then switch ‘discipline’ pairs as the credit union’s needs dictate,” CEO William Kennedy said. “I am looking at our interns who graduate in May as management trainee possibilities resulting in two, possibly three, management trainees in total. DeAndre Watson is working on the teller line and member services as he rotates through the key service positions at HUD Credit Union as part of his internship.”
Nov 23, 2016 - Shanell Powell, a Junior and Business Management Major at Bowie State University, shares her inspirational story at Thurgood Marshall College Fund's 28th Annual Awards Gala, and explains how the Thurgood Marshall College Fund helped her along her journey:
- Students In Free Enterprise (SIFE). Thirteen members of the Bowie State University's SIFE team competed in the New York Regional Competition on March 26, 2007. The team received a first runner-up trophy.
- American Marketing Association (AMA). Seven members of the Bowie State University's AMA Chapter attended the 29th Collegiate Conference in New Orleans, LA on March 28-April 1, 2007. The chapter was one of six schools to receive the American Marketing Association's 2006-2007 Outstanding Chapter Award.
- Contract Management, the worldwide magazine of the National Contract Management Association (NCMA), profiled Bowie State University's student NCMA chapter in its May 2007 issue. The Bowie State University student NCMA chapter was the first student chapter of the NCMA at an HBCU in the country.
- PACE provided 15 students to serve as hosts and hostesses for the procurement conference on April 20, 2006 at The Show Place Arena in Upper Marlboro, MD. Over 2500 participants attended the conference. Our students were cited for their exemplary performance.
- Student Globalization Association: Bowie State University's Student Globalization Association for graduate and undergraduates is in its second semester. The mission is to raise awareness among students of the economic and social impact of globalization, foster interest in sub-Sahara development, and foster a sound understanding of global cultures, global competition, and resources allocation in the 21st century, through lectures, research, teaching and discussion, travel, and student and faculty exchanges.
The department faculty is very active in scholarship. Significant presentations are made by the faculty at scholarly conferences. Numerous faculty members have had research published in scholarly journals and conference proceedings. The department hosts a series of seminars and forums with distinguished guests. The global lecture series, led by Dr. Jennifer Bailey, continues its record of bringing in distinguished scholars. Dr. Bailey had significant accomplishments in executing the United Negro College Fund Special Programs Corporation (UNCFSP) grant, "To Strengthen Higher Education in Liberia and Sierra Leone" during the year. During a summer 2006 visit to Liberia, Dr. Bailey conducted workshops and established a networked computer lab at AME Zion University College (AMEZUC). Under the grant, Dr. Bailey also hosted informational visits from AMEZUC and Njala University (NU):
- President, The Reverend Mulbah H. Gray, AMEZUC, July 19, 2006. President Gray met with Bowie State University's interim president, Dr. Patricia Ramsey, the dean of the school, chair of the Department of Management, Marketing and Public Administration, faculty, and Federal Grants Office staff;
- NU/BSUVIN representative: Chairperson, Department of Biological Sciences, Njala University, Dr. Eluemuno R. Blyden, met with faculty and department chairs in the School of Business. Dr. Blyden presented Njala University's 20-year strategic plan and discussed his desire to use the BSUVIN for bioinformatics research on viruses and for community outreach projects.
The department's excellent service has led to the third consecutive $5000 EPA contract for Bowie State University business students to serve as host to the annual procurement conference in Upper Marlboro, MD.