Department of Social Work
Constitution and Bylaws
As social work students, we believe that the individual is primarily responsible for his or her own education.
We believe that education must not be confined within academic walls, but must be based on a total life experience. Therefore, we have come together to form the Bowie State University Social Work Club. The Bowie State University Social Work Club intends to bring about changes which are necessary to ensure optimum involvement in the Social Work educational experience and the local community.
This organization will adhere to all university and departmental policies.
Article I. Name
The name of this organization shall be the Bowie StateUniversity Social Work Club.
Article II. Purpose
- Encourage high educational and professional standards among potential and active social work practitioners.
- Provide a pre-professional organization for student social workers at the college level and stimulate their participation in the organization’s meetings, activities, and programs.
- Prepare social work students for active involvement in both the formal social work education program at Bowie State University and with those social welfare issues, which affect citizens of this nation.
- Encourage student participation in the planning and evaluation of the social work curriculum at Bowie State University.
Article III. Membership
- Any student at Bowie State University who has declared a major in social work is eligible for voting membership as long as current dues are paid.
- Membership is open regardless of race, creed, religion, age, national origin, gender, or sexual orientation.
Article IV. Meetings
Section I. Regular business meetings shall be held bi-weekly.
Section II. A simple majority of the voting members of the Bowie State University Social Work Club shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Article V. Administrative Organization
Section I. Election of Officers
Prior to the end of spring semester (last week of March), elections shall be held for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Mr. Social Work, and Ms. Social Work. A simple majority of the membership shall be required to elect officers.
Section II. Duties of Officers
- The President shall preside over all regular business meetings and executive committee meetings. He or she shall appoint all committee members. The President shall be the sanctioned spokesperson of the Bowie State University Social Work Club. This responsibility may be delegated. The President shall attend at least one departmental meeting per semester and will have 15 minutes to present Bowie State University Social Work Club–related topics to the department.
- The Vice President shall assume the responsibilities of the President in the event of an absence or disability of the President. The Vice President shall be responsible for planning programs, services, and activities of this organization for the community.
- The Secretary shall keep all records of business and executive committee meetings. Also, he or she shall receive and respond to general correspondence. The Secretary shall be the departmental meeting liaison and will have 15 minutes to present Bowie State University Social Work Club–related topics to the department.
- The Treasurer shall collect all fees levied by the club. He or she will keep a careful account of all receipts and expenditures and shall give a financial report at the first meeting of every month.
- Mr. Social Work shall be responsible for attending all social work events and shall be the representative for the Bowie State University Social Work Club at all formal university functions. Mr. Social Work will be the head of the Leisure and Recreation Activities Committee.
- Ms. Social Work shall be responsible for attending all social work events and shall be the representative for the Bowie State University Social Work Club at all formal university functions. Ms. Social Work will be the head of the Academic Activities Committee.
- An Advisor shall be selected by the Bowie State University Department of Social Work Chairperson. The Advisor will be a full-time faculty member in the Social Work Department of Bowie State University. He or she will advise the Bowie State University Social Work Club on club policy and procedure.
Section III. Term of Office for Officers
The term of office shall begin May 10 and end May 15 of the following year.
Section IV. Termination of Office for Officers
- If the officer does not meet the responsibilities of his or her office, termination of office will follow within 10 days following the affirmative vote of the organization;
- Two-thirds majority vote of all Executive Board members is needed to terminate an officer.
Section V. Selection of Committees
All committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the organization by a majority vote at a regular business meeting.
Section VI. Committees
- Executive Board
- The Executive Board shall consist of all elected officers.
- The President shall serve as the Chairperson of the Executive Board.
- The functions of the Executive Board are:
- The Executive Board shall consist of all elected officers.
i. To exercise supervision over the work of all committees.
ii. To approve and be responsible for any activities undertaken by the Bowie State University Social Work Club.
- Academic Activities Committee
The Academic Activities Committee shall implement activities and programs of the club, aimed at enhancing academic life of students. It shall represent the views of this organization to the Social Work Department of Bowie State University. Ms. Social Work shall be the representative of this committee.
- Leisure and Recreation Activities Committee
The Leisure and Recreation Activities Committee shall be responsible for coordinating extracurricular activities in the areas of university, club, and community events for the membership. It shall represent the views of this organization to the Social Work Department of Bowie State University and will stay within the university’s code of conduct.Mr. Social Work shall be the representative of this committee.
- Finance Committee
The Finance Committee shall be primarily responsible for collecting, budgeting, and processing membership dues. The Treasurer shall serve as the Finance Committee representative and liaison.
- Public Relations Committee
The Public Relations Committee shall be responsible for promoting the Bowie State University Social Work Club and all the events and programs of the club and for coordinating the flow of information between the organization and the public.
Article VI. Finances
Section I. The fiscal year shall be from September 1 through April 30.
Section II. Each member shall be required to pay dues of 20 dollars ($20.00) bi-annually during the fall and spring semester of each year. Dues shall be paid by October 25 (Fall) and February 25 (Spring).
Section III. Dues shall be paid with money orders or cash and shall be deposited into a bank account that shall be managed by the Treasurer and the club Advisor. Any official financial documents must be signed by the Treasurer and the Advisor.
Section IV. Only the Advisor and another faculty or staff member shall have the authority to withdrawal funds, and both signatures will be required.
Section V. The Treasurer must be notified of all transactions.
Article VII. Amendments
Section I. Voting (Proposal Procedures)
An affirmative vote by a simple majority of the Bowie State University Social Work Club’s Executive Board shall be required to amend this Constitution. Any amendments must be approved by the faculty advisor.