Entrepreneurship Innovation Center

Conference Tracks

TRACK A: E-Ship STEAM Ideation
TRACK B: Entrepreneurship Research & Development
TRACK C: E-Ship Best Practices in Teaching Across Curriculums
TRACK D: Experiential Learning to Develop the Entrepreneurial Mindset

Session Time Frames

All sessions will be a total of 50 minutes, with two presentations within each session. Every proposal accepted will share the session with one other presenter group. Each proposal accepted is given a total of 22 minutes to present and have Q & A. Every session will include a moderator who will assist with the Q & A portion.

Questions for Consideration

Below are questions to further stimulate your thinking and encourage you to respond to the call for proposals: >

  • How can E-Ship STEAM ideation promote building of Black wealth?
  • What roles does inclusivity play in driving the need for civic engagement as a medium for wealth building for Black?
  • Is virtual learning now at the core, rather than the periphery? And, if this is the new norm, how are you adopting your research into this new norm?
  • What are some creative ways schools drive entrepreneurial research practice?
  • What pedagogies are you using to provide quality entrepreneurship course offerings across diverse curricula?
  • How do we create a thriving entrepreneurial and energetic experiential learning environment using co-curricular programming, given the COVID-19 pandemic, surging demand for social and racial justice, virtual learning, stress on democratic institutions and processes, and shifting curriculum and pedagogy ?
  • What is new and what is changing, and how is it working for you?

For more information, please contact us at hbcue-shipconference@bowiestate.edu